How Do I Know If My Teenager Is Using Drugs?
There are lots of ways that teenagers can find to get into trouble and when you are parenting a teenager you might likely find yourself second-guessing yourself as well as that teen in your life. It is just the way it goes.
There are lots of ways that teenagers can find to get into trouble and when you are parenting a teenager you might likely find yourself second-guessing yourself as well as that teen in your life. It is just the way it goes.
By far one of the primary concerns among parents of young adults is drug use and when you are dealing with issues involving substance abuse it may perhaps be difficult to determine without using a drug test. Even then quite a few people find ways to skate on these tests and there aren't any tests to check for use of household cleaners and consumption of alcoholic beverages. This can leave parents in a bit of a pickle and many states will not permit you to force your child into taking a drug test. Either way the results of these tests will not necessarily be accurate or your teen may perhaps try to cheat the test.
When it comes to trying to determine if your teen is in trouble start by comparing their previous behavior to their current ones. Most teens begin to exhibit extreme mood and behavior changes when they start abusing drugs and alcohol and quite a few parents describe it as if their child has left and something or someone has taken over their body. If this is what you're experiencing this is a pretty clear indication that something is amiss in your child's life and it's a good idea to receive help for them at the very least in the form of a counselor.
It is also essential to realize as a parent that substance abuse problems can lead to serious other issues including but not limited to self-mutilation,

suicide, teenager pregnancy, diseases, homelessness, prostitution, stealing, gambling, incarceration, and even death. What seems like some innocent teenage partying might likely be a more serious problem and your teen needs your help.
At first it may be a battle to even get your teen to discuss these issues with you but over time it can help you to direct them to a better place. Seeking out information about how to deal with a teen with substance abuse problems from a trained professional is by far the best way to ensure that you are doing all you can to help your child in need. Push enough to let them know you care but be careful not to push to hard so they don't shut you out. During this time of crisis they need to know that you are there for them no matter what.