How To Build Your Childrens Confidence For Life-3 Tips
In life, today, our children have so much to deal with while trying to reach adulthood. As they grow and develop, they come across so many different and difficult situations.
they have to decide what is the right or the wrong thing to do and if they are being pressured by either their peers or by what they see on television, this can cause worry. If we, as parents, give them confidence in themselves, then, the chances are they will be able to make the right decision. Start as you mean to go on and stay focused and your child will thank you in later life.
1. Listening
The ability to listen is essential, and once your child starts to verbalise you must try to give your utmost attention to her/him and take in all that they have to say. When they are old enough to start having their own opinions, let them have their say (even though you might not agree with them). They, in turn, see that they are being heard and that gives them confidence.
2. Encouraging
Always give encouragement to them when you set them a task, regardless of what it is. Be responsive to their questions when they ask and try to be as honest with your answers. By doing this, you are showing them that it is good to speak your mind and that it's important not to be afraid to have an opinion on a particular topic. Encourage discussion on a wide variety of subjects and encourage them to think for themselves and have confidence in their own opinions. This gives validation to their own expression.
3 Rewarding
As your child grows, learns and comes to adulthood, you will see them go out into the world with a confidence that will help to bring them success and happiness throughout their lives and this, in itself, will be a great reward for you and bring you great joy.