When sending your baby off to day care, you will have to send bottles with him or her. When sending bottles means that you have to label those bottles, as well. If you do not label them, the day care will not know which bottles are yours. This is why so many require labelling. It avoids mistakes and problems related to babies not having their own milk. If you are going to start labelling for day care, though, you will need to know the proper way to label. There are several methods, but not all of them will work as well as you would have hoped.
One common option is to use markers. Permanent or otherwise, many parents will write the name of the child on the bottle. As long as you write the full name in case there is another child with the same name, this is not a problem. It only starts being a concern when it washes off. Since this is marker, it can wash off with regular use. Permanent may not, but other types will. With the risk of it only being a temporary solution, you may want to choose a label that will stay on or that you can easily replace.
Tape is another solution many parents choose. Since it, like markers, is easy and cheap, it is something a parent can do right away. You probably have something like masking type lying around or you can buy it from nearly any store. You can write the name on the tape and leave it on the bottle for the workers. The problem is that the tape can fall off. This becomes a huge problem if it falls off while at the day care. This might lead to problems with finding the right bottle, affecting your baby’s feeding schedule and leading to a lot of work for the day care.
A trusted solution that does not come off is buying items specifically for labelling. Labels exist for baby products, and they actually stay on the bottle. You can find all types, too. Labels come in many forms, from fun and colorful to basic and to the point. While you will have to spend more money to get these bottles, these labels are a permanent solution. They do not tear off, wash off, or fall off. As long as you use the labels properly and choose a good source, they will remain on the bottles.
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