Laptops and Baby Blankets - Bringing Baby to Work

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Throughout history, mothers have kept their babies with them while working. However, having children in the work environment now is not always feasible. Luckily, many companies offer programs for their employees to bring their children to work, or to work from home for at least part of their work week. But, what if your workplace doesn’t allow your baby to come to work with you? How can you balance both career and family time?


Copyright (c) 2007 Liddle Kidz™ Infant and Children's Pediatric Massage

Mothers have historically kept their babies with them while working. However,Laptops and Baby Blankets - Bringing Baby to Work Articles now having babies in the work environment is not always feasible. Children are becoming more separated from their parents, and new parents often are becoming isolated and separated from their community.

Having babies in the workplace encourages parents to provide responsive care for their little ones, making sure their individual needs are met. This care provides babies with much needed close physical contact, social interaction, and helps create happier babies.

Parents and families can benefit from lower stress, happier marriages, easier breastfeeding and healthier babies and moms. Fathers are often more involved in the care of the child, and mothers may have a lower risk of postpartum depression. This close contact also helps to encourage family bonding and attachment, can result in lower day care costs and can create healthier, more socialized babies.

So, with all of these wonderful reasons to encourage having your child by your side in the workplace, why wouldn't you want to?

Luckily, many companies offer programs for their employees to bring their children to work, or to work from home for at least part of their work week. But, what if your workplace doesn't allow your baby to come to work with you? How can you balance both family and career?

Many working parents find that having an outlet for their own stress helps to promote positive interaction time with their little ones once they arrive home. Try finding something you enjoy doing, which at the same time helps to release any tension or stress built up from your work day. Often yoga, exercise, meditation or a massage can help to provide much needed relief and relaxation. Being relaxed prior to interacting with your baby will contribute to more positive communication and loving time together.

Often parents and babies find that participating in activities together helps to encourage their family bond. Infant Massage is one of these special activities that you can share together. Close contact through soothing and loving touch can help to relax both you and baby.

Touch is your baby's very first form of communication, so finding a way to communicate through a language they will understand can be extremely beneficial for both you and baby. When getting ready for massage time, be sure to relax and find a few quiet moments to interact with your baby. Even just a few moments of focused, loving attention can make a significant difference in your time together.

If you can find the time, it is advisable to learn infant massage from a qualified instructor. An infant massage instructor will be able to guide you through the use of many different types of massage strokes, you and your child may enjoy. When massage is an exchange between you and baby, it is much more enjoyable. Over time you will develop a unique communication and recognize your baby's cues, making massage an art of communicating your love through your touch.