Newborn Baby FAQ

Jun 14


Tony and Nyrie Roos

Tony and Nyrie Roos

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This article is written to address the initial concerns related to a newborn baby and supplemented with expert advice. It is natural to worry over the well being of your infant; arm yourself with the necessary knowledge to identify red flags while dispelling common occurrences.


First time parents have numerous questions about their newborn baby. Even though some questions may seem simple or absurd,Newborn Baby FAQ Articles every question is valid if it puts the parent’s mind to rest. These may range from the reasons for frequent crying bouts, to the texture of their stool and the most popular of all concerns, eating habits. This article compiles a list of commonly asked questions pediatricians are bombarded with and offers answers to these pressing concerns.

Q-1: Why does my child have bowel movements every time s/he nurses? What’s with the color?

A newborn baby initially passes a green and black colored stool. This is not a cause for alarm since the body is cleaning up the intestines of the substance build up that occurred during pregnancy. This consists of bile, amniotic fluid, mucus and other secretions. It is known as meconium and can continue for the first three days until breastfeeding is established.

However, even after this waste is excreted, you might find the stool is still green and soft. It takes a few weeks for the infant’s system to fully adapt to the outside world, and the color of stool will soon turn normal and remain soft until infant graduates to solid food.

Q-2: A newborn baby is supposed to sleep endlessly, why then does my infant wake up in the middle of the night?

A newborn baby has no sense of night or day. The baby will wake up when s/he is hungry, irritated or just to seek comfort from the parents. The first few weeks will indeed be difficult, but you can aid your child into accepting your routine through gradual coaxing. Feed him/her frequently during the day and spoil him with attention since it reduces separation anxiety.  A child is used to being close to his mother, and recognizes her by her scent and touch. After birth, the little one feels insecure and frequently wakes up for reassurance and to feel her presence and love. Some tender loving care in the form of Kangaroo Mother Care might do the trick.

Q-3: The head of my newborn baby looks too big for his body and is an odd shape. Is this normal?

The bones of a newborn baby are soft and not completely developed to ensure the child passes through the birth canal without any problems. You may also find that the face seems distorted, slightly bent and squished. This is again very common and is present to ensure the infant passes through the canal easily.

Some parents may be concerned about their infant’s head being too large in comparison to the tiny body. This is because the body normally grows at a faster pace than the head. Eventually, the body achieves ideal proportion. It may take a few months before it happens though.

Q-4: Why is my baby losing weight?

During the first 5 days of their lives, all infants lose some amount of weight. Further, breastfed babies may seem to be losing and gaining weight at intervals. Initially, these infants lose the various substances that have accumulated in their systems, and the inconsistent feeding pattern of a newborn baby contributes to the variation in weight.

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