When I was younger,
I formerly asked my mommy what the nicest share of her day was, and with no 2nd thoughts, her response was every last instant that you cry out for me because you wanted me. Reckoning back, i found it crazy now that I used to ask my momma for a lot of stuff, even just to make a simple problem or just simply acquiring water out of the fridge just because I was so drawn-out to do so myself. Growing up seeing my mother handle too many things concurrently had me considering of never wanting to turn into a mom someday. Just imagine, having a bad job with the most dread pay, has barely the moment to ease off and still takes care of us children. Who in their proper mind would want to go through all of that?
Lets simply make a step back and have a response to the question, What is a real mother made of?
What does it need to become a mom? Are mothers really that wonderful for them to have their own annual celebration? These are the queries that I didn't wish to be faced with.
Fortunately, the good heavens above bent my luck and twisted the tides and eventually had me cut through to the other side of maternal phobia. Here are some of the brilliant things I have discovered during motherhood.
"Its Okay Mommy's Here" always works like a charm when trying to make your kids stop crying; That there is only one pretty face and every mother has it; When you hear the quote "Mother Knows Best" is equivalent to the phrase "I told you so" or you have to have your mom's approval on everything specially your choice of women or men in your life.
But more than that, I discovered that being mother is not just being the source of subsistence but also comfort, not just a source of trust but loyalty, not just a source of friendship but unconditional love. A bundle of emotions comes with motherhood that defies all known reason.
Being a mother means giving life to your kids, teach them things, let them know right from wrong, giving them freedom to live their lives but not living it for your children, not learning it for them, not deciding it for them but in the end be accountable for them.
Because being a mother is to support your children all the way even if they choose to take the road you dont want them to. Being is a mother is to always be present despite the pain. Because the truth is, once a mother, always a mother.
So what does it usually take to become a real mother? Courage. A mother can also be take the role of dad in the household, that's what makes mothers really special. Being remembered on mother's day once a year is not enough for bringing us to their world and at the same time giving up their world for us.
I know this because I have a very wonderful mom. And now that I am one, the best part of my day is the fact I am important, I am valued, I am needed and I can love my children with unconditional love all my life and I will.