Practical Ideas To Survive The 1st Trimester Of Pregnancy
So, you've gotten over the elation of pregnancy. Now, despite the pleasure of having a baby growing in your belly, you (and your better half or boyfriend) need to handle the nagging signs of pregnancy. Here are just a few tips to help you to survive

you've gotten over the elation of pregnancy. Now, despite the joy of having a toddler growing in your belly, you (and your husband or boyfriend) need to cope with the nagging symptoms of pregnancy. Here are just a few tips to help you to survive:
1. Get a lot of rest: Most likely, you could be more tired than ever before during the first trimester. Listen to your system and retire or take naps when you are feeling tired. This can also mean restraining on obligations, or going out with friends. Don't let yourself worry about housework, errands, or getting ready for the newborn child, which has to be done. You will more than likely have lots of energy in the 2nd trimester, so let the items that can wait, wait. Also, ask your better half, boyfriend, or family to help you when you are tired.
2. Ask (or beg) your significant other to do the grocery shopping, cooking, and a few of the cleaning: You may have aversions to foods in the first trimester or simply just don't have the desire to cook. Prepare a directory of food items that you like and ask your partner to prepare the meals every night or a few nights per week. Easing the stress of having to deal with food aversions at the grocery and over the stove will help ease a few of the nausea you may be feeling. Not just that, but if your like me and working full time, you are tired in the evenings and will not feel like cooking or cleaning.
3. Make large meals on the weekends to last throughout the week: You will find that you have a little more energy for a couple of hours on the weekends. Grab up those moments of energy to produce a one-dish meal for the seven days (soups, casseroles, lasagnas, stews) so that you have something on the nights you lack the desire and energy to cook.
4. If your experiencing nausea, try different avenues to relieve it: There are quite a few tips out there to alleviate the nausea, like eating crackers in the morning before you get on my feet, eating crackers all day, drinking ginger tea, and drinking ginger ale. I didn't find these things to assist with my nausea. One of the items that helped me was eating black licorice, eating grilled cheese sandwiches all day, and drinking lemonade. So, what works for one, does not work for all. Try different things.
5. Don't read all of the pregnancy books: Make an inquiry from your physician for one book that their practice recommends and stick with that book. If you feel the need to buy several books on the market, don't let yourself get worried about all of the things they discuss in these books. For example, I thought there was an opportunity that my baby was going to have neural tube defects ( because of lack of folic acid) since I did not take prenatal vitamins and minerals before conception and in the first month of pregnancy. My physician assured me that you don't even need to take the prenatal vitamins and minerals until the 20th week.
6. Call your doctor if you have concerns about anything! Your physician will assure you more than the books or anyone else for that matter.
Lastly, have fun during your first trimester! Cherish all of the alterations and experiences your body goes through during pregnancy as it forms a little miracle inside.