Pregnancy Week by Week Care Tips

Aug 22


Priya Mehta

Priya Mehta

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After the excitement of the information that you are pregnant is over, you need to start considering the week by week care of yourself and your growin...

After the excitement of the information that you are pregnant is over,Pregnancy Week by Week Care Tips Articles you need to start considering the week by week care of yourself and your growing baby. There are a lot of changes that your body would undergo in the coming weeks and you need to be prepared for them. The common worries include weight gain, fatigue, and emotional upheavals but all of it vanishes at the thought of holding your baby in your hand. But to get there and to ensure that your child is healthy, you must follow the weekly pregnancy care tips give below.

Weeks 1-13
The first four weeks of pregnancy usually pass by without you learning about your condition. After the fourth week, you learn about your pregnancy and there would be a lot of symptoms that would have already started showing by now. You are advised to stop smoking, drinking or engaging in sports that involve vigorous activity such as weight lifting, skiing, skating and the like. Rest as much as possible and sip water with cranberry juice to treat morning sickness, as you are inclined feel nauseous.

Weeks 13-28
As you enter the thirteenth week of pregnancy, you start to feel better. In these weeks, your morning sickness is over and you begin to regain some of your lost energy as your body adjusts to pregnancy. You would not have waistline to flaunt by this time and you will need to buy some maternity clothes.
You need to borrow the clothes that grow along with you for 5 to 6 months. Your appetite can become strong in these weeks. You need to avoid weight gain with a balanced diet that should include grains, fruits, vegetables and calcium rich foods such as dairy. Have fibre rich foods to get rid of constipation. If you need to travel, do so now as in the third trimester, you are not allowed to do so.

Weeks 29-40
The last week of pregnancy can be quite taxing for you as you now begin to feel a little frustrated with your condition and feel like getting over with it. You need to prevent yourself from getting exposed to paint fumes. If you have heartburn problems, have small amounts of non-greasy foods when your pregnancy is at its end. Get proper sleep and be alert of the signs of preterm labour. By following these advices, you can hope to avoid pregnancy complications.
