Smoking During Pregnancy. Let Your Child Have The Choice
The word 'Mother' is synonymous with care, love and all good things on the earth. However, smoking mothers can be inadvertently killing and maiming their children – born and unborn. Shocked? It's true. Smoking mothers are potentially gifting their children with lung cancer and many other similarly devastating diseases through second hand smoke. Pregnant women harm their unborn babies directly in the womb.
Besides the above horrifying facts,

here are more unsettling reasons to bear in mind when smoking. It will not only interfere with your health, it will also interfere with the health of your unborn child:
1. First of all, smoking makes it hard to conceive. Reports show that fertility in both men and women are heavily affected by smoking. In women, smoking interferes with the egg movement toward the fallopian tubes as well as the hormones that are produced during pregnancy; while in men, it lowers the semen count, and the motility of the sperm. In many cases smoking also affects the shape of the sperm making it incapable of penetrating the egg.
2. Children born of smoking parents potentially inherit a low fertility syndrome and suffer from a great number of infertility problems.
3. Smoking in many cases is the main cause for impotency in men as it interferes with the blood supply to the penis.
4. The baby in the womb of a pregnant smoking woman gets its nicotine addiction right from pre-birth as its blood imbibes the nicotine that the mother’s blood shares with it; hence it is more likely that when born they would become a smoker – and also contract all smoking related diseases.
5. In rare cases the placenta is directly affected by smoking causing a miscarriage of the fetus, or death in the womb.
6. Babies of smoking mothers will be most likely to be born premature and under weight.
7. Babies are also likely to have less developed vital organs than their counterparts (babies of non-smoking mothers) – there is a great likelihood that these babies have an undeveloped liver which will affect them throughout their lives.
8. The babies of pregnant smoking women have poor lung functions right from birth.
9. These babies are twice as prone to die from sudden-infant-death (SID) syndrome than the babies of non-smoking women.
10. The babies of those women who smoked 15-20 cigarettes a day are more likely to be sickly.
Any one of the above causes should be sufficient enough to make you quit smoking – if not for yourself, for your little miracle that is being formed in your womb. Read the above lines again, and then once more – is that what you want to give to your most precious creation? Would you really be comfortable thinking that you are voluntarily and consistently harming your child even before their born? These are some questions that you should to ponder seriously.
Get in touch with your doctor today and enlist his/her help to quitting smoking. You owe it to your child to be healthy and give them a healthy beginning to the start of their life. As a mother, you are the nurturing contact of the child – do not become the poison in your own child’s life.