This story could constitute a practical joke or a revenge. My junior year in college myself and three friends had a house and since we went to a relatively small school it became somewhat of the party house. For one of my roommates 21st birthday a friend of ours gave him a handle of the cheapest whiskey (it came in a plastic bottle and the dude that gave it to us had an entire case of these handles!) I have ever run across.
A few weeks later we had thrown a small gathering and had people in and out of the house. Well I noticed that (and I mean no offense to frat boys when I finish this sentence) some 'think you are cool trying to take our cheap whiskey'-fratboy walked outside and tried to stash our cheap whiskey to take at a later point. Little did he know I noticed this. So instead of taking our cheap whiskey back, I tell one of my other roommates and we decide to piss into the whiskey the rest of the night. When we started pissing in the whiskey there was about a quarter of the handle filled; we 'filled' it up back to about three-quarters.
After the night was over we went to check on the handle to see if maybe the fratboy forgot, but sure as shit, he didn't. The funniest part is that the next night my roommate (who pissed in the bottle as well) and I ran into him at a convience store. So we start bullshitting with him and ask him what he is up to and he says he is picking up some sour mix so him and his frat brothers can make some whiskey sours that night. Ah, didn't he mean 'Pisskey Sours."
I'm sure he laughed under his breath a little thinking "I stole your guys' whiskey", but we laughed even louder when we realized that sig-ep fraternity was about to drink our piss.
Moving Your Pet
Getting through the emotional stress of moving is difficult enough for adults and children. But what about pets, a species with whom we can't even level? Pet owners are often baffled by their pets' behavior during and after a move. Sometimes it's a personality change, a regression in housebreaking habits or a sudden unexplained illness. Even if you don't notice something that dramatic, there's no question that your faithful companion is feeling stress. How do you move your pet and keep the strain to an absolute minimum -- both to yourself and your beloved pet?Is That Apartment Hazardous to Your Health?
When you sign a lease committing yourself to a unit in an apartment complex or building, you're agreeing to live in close quarters with strangers. You're also making the assumption that your building will be properly managed and maintained. That includes such factors as air quality and adequate pest control. As a tenant, you have rights, of course, but some of the most serious threats to your health -- such as carbon monoxide -- are ones you can't even see or smell.Does The Landlord Have To Clean The Apartment Before I Move In?
QUESTION:What can I do about a landlord who promised a clean and newly painted apartment before we moved in, but didn't deliver? We have moved in because we had nowhere else to go, but I am concerned about our children's health and the total well-being of our family. Can I report the unhealthy living conditions to the health department? Please let me know of my legal rights or how to go about this problem in a dignified manner.