Stop Dreaming Of Raising Confident Children and Let’s Just Do It!

May 6


Iris Shamble

Iris Shamble

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Want to know how to raise confident, happy and good children? You don’t have to dream of having responsible, out-going children. Simple things such as spending quality time can make the difference so many people take advantage of.


Copyright (c) 2007 Iris Shamble

Parenting should be a time of molding and shaping our children. Molding and shaping our children into a great person for life. From the baby stage you can almost see certain character and personality traits so strong. Babies are so much fun to simply see the movements and gestures at such a young age. It is fun to see the creativity even in their little smile.

A lot of people think correcting a child at such a young age is wrong. Let me tell you this – there is a right way and a wrong way of handling correction with your children. Nipping it in the bud so to speak,Stop Dreaming Of Raising Confident Children and Let’s Just Do It! Articles can prevent you from some headaches and pain down the road.

It will not always be a perfect and happy journey, however I can't express enough how important it is to enforce simple discipline rules. I see many parents that allow their children to speak to them any kind of way, and show no respect even towards other adults. Have we come to a way of life where the children are living large and in charge? I hope not. May I ask – are there bad children or bad adults?

When a baby is born, they are not fully equipped for the way of life. That is where parents come into play in their role. It can be described as a computer being our child, and the software being the parents. Whatever parents load better yet teaches the child – that program better known as software is going to run! Oh – sometimes there maybe a corrupt file – a situation where the parent has messed up. What needs to happen in this instance is a cleaning of the hard drive - for parents that maybe simply asking for forgiveness for the mistake you may have made. Once this is done, then we need to re-install or try to enhance our teachings or parenting skills. It's not always going to be an easy program to run, however diligence, effort and persistence will bring great skills in everything we do. Parenting is not excluded.

I encourage you not to condemn yourself if you make a mistake, because we will. Try not to even allow yourself to become so frustrated and stressed out. This to shall pass! I read one book by a powerful author – Dr. Kevin Lehman titled "Adolescents Isn't Terminal". I tell you this book has helped me tremendously. I always try to strive in receiving instructions and teaching that will make me a better parent.

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