Everyone knows that there are things that must be avoided throughout a pregnancy, but most people do not realize that avoiding certain foods, before pregnancy occurs, can increase fertility chances. Some specific foods and drinks have repeatedly shown in research studies to have a directly negative effect on chances of conception.
Everyone knows that there are things that must be avoided throughout a pregnancy, but most people don't realize that avoiding certain foods, before pregnancy occurs, can increase fertility chances. Some specific foods and drinks have repeatedly shown in research studies to have a directly negative effect on chances of conception. Additionally, foods high in calories and fat can lead to weight gain, which is also known to keep women from getting pregnant. Stay away from these six food groups, your fertility chances will increase, and your overall health will be a better environment for a baby's health and development.
Outlaw Food #1 - Alcoholic drinks.
Most women are careful to eliminate alcohol from their diets during a pregnancy because of its harmful effects on the baby. But it is just as important for women trying to conceive to eliminate alcohol completely. Alcohol disrupts hormonal balances, and can cause women to stop ovulating. Not ovulating means there is no chance of pregnancy. Often, the advice is to drink in moderation, but when getting pregnant, alcohol needs to be completely eliminated. Stay away from the booze!
Outlaw Food #2 - Caffeine.
Again, while most women decrease caffeine intake during a pregnancy, less women do the same when they are trying to conceive. Studies have shown that large amounts of caffeine can cause miscarriage. While it is likely that you don't have to eliminate all caffeine completely, it is a good idea to minimize the intake of it as much as possible.
Outlaw Food #3 - Refined flour and sugar products.
Generally, processed food made with white sugar and flour is bad for your health. Consuming large quantities of these types of foods can lead to weight gain, which leads to hormonal imbalances or even Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Instead, consume whole grains and eat naturally occurring sugar that is found in fruit.
Outlaw Food #4 - High fat meat.
Meat with a high fat content can also add to weight gain. Additionally, some researchers believe that hormones found in non-organic meat can decreases fertility chances.
Outlaw Food #5 - High fat dairy.
To increase your chances of getting pregnant, avoiding high fat dairy products such as cheese, cream, and whole milk is a good idea. Consuming large quantities of these foods can lead to weight gain. Additionally, the hormones found in the milk used to make these foods are thought to have some adverse effects on fertility chances.
Outlaw Food #6 - Mercury laden fish.
While you likely aren't trying to increase the levels of mercury in your body, you may be doing so inadvertently. Higher levels of mercury can harm a baby and affect fertility. Mercury levels can build up in the body over time. So, if you have been eating a lot of fish, you may want to talk to your doctor about waiting to try and conceive until the levels of mercury decrease. Staying completely away from fish isn't a good idea, either, as fish contain Omega-3, which is extremely good for health and pregnancy.
A good rule of thumb when eating for conception is to eat whole foods with color and avoid processed foods that are white. If you are overweight, it is wise to lose the weight prior to trying to conceive. Avoiding these six groups of food, in addition to regular exercise, can help that weight loss occur and can help to eliminate potentially harmful effects on fertility chances and pregnancy. Making this sacrifice now can lead to gift of a healthy baby. You owe it to yourself and your baby to make these dietary chances.
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