Dental problem, bring your child to an Endodontist.
Endodontics is a specialty of dentistry that deals with the tooth pulp and tissuessurrounding the root of a tooth. The pulp (containing nerves, blood vessels aswell as lymphatic tissue and fibrous tissue) can become diseased or injured andthus is unable to repair itself. The pulp then dies and endodontic treatment isrequired.
Endodontists are dentists who have specialized in this field. Typically they havecompleted an additional 2-3 years of training following dental school. Theyusually specialize and limit their practice to root canal therapy and root canalsurgery. Patients requiring root canal therapy are either referred by their generaldentists to the endodontist or are self referred.
The most common procedure done in endodontics is root-canal therapy. Thisprocedure aims to save a tooth that would otherwise be extracted (pulled) dueto infection caused by decay (a cavity in the tooth), a large filling, or trauma tothe tooth. Root canal therapy involves the removal of diseased pulp tissueinside the tooth (the area inside the tooth that becomes infected due to theaforementioned reasons). The aim of treatment is to remove irreversiblyinflamed or necrotic pulp tissue before infection sets in (or after it has already setin). When the pulp tissue becomes infected, caused by bacteria from inside thetooth, the infection can leak out of the tooth's root and make the surroundingbone ill and painful or cause an abscess to form. Once the diseased pulp tissuesare removed, the body's defense system can then repair the damage createdby disease. Usually, this will require 1-2 visits to your endodontist.Other procedures practiced in endodontics include incision for drainage andperiradicular surgery. These treatments are needed in cases of abscesses,problematic tooth anatomy, and physical knocks/trauma that change thephysiology of the dental pulp (e.g. Tooth gets displaced partially or completelyfrom its socket).
In the latter, a significantly better outcome is usually derived when thetraumatized tooth is placed in a special media which keeps the fragile cells onthe root surface alive whilst en route to see the dentist. Hank’s Balance SaltSolution (HBSS), available commercially as Save-A-Tooth Preservation System( makes such emergency dental situationsmanageable, and is highly recommended for schools, sports facilities and evenin homes.
by Dr Johnathan Wee a panelist for http://www.mytoothcaretips.comBDS (Singapore)Certificate in Endodontics (Loma Linda, USA)Practice Restricted to Endodontics
Navigating Dental Emergencies: Essential Knowledge and Immediate Actions
Dental emergencies can strike at any moment, often without warning, and require swift action to mitigate serious health risks and preserve oral health. Understanding the types of dental crises and the appropriate steps to take before reaching professional care is crucial. This article delves into the various dental emergencies, offering guidance on how to handle them effectively, and highlights the importance of timely intervention to save a tooth or alleviate severe pain.What to do During a Dental Emergency?
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