Many parents become ... when their newborn develop colic. The ... ... every night for hours on end, can't help but be ... New mothers often feel they must be doing somethin
Many parents become frustrated when their newborn develop colic. The continuous screaming every night for hours on end, can't help but be disturbing. New mothers often feel they must be doing something wrong or worse yet that there is something wrong with their baby.
Most new mothers are not aware that almost all babies develop a fussy period and the actuality of colic is present in one form or another. Colic is not an illness or a physical disorder. Doctors define colic as 3 or more hours a day of continued crying. The baby's persistent crying is generally not due to any obvious signs such as: hunger, wet diaper, or gas, and in many cases, the child cannot be comforted or soothed. There is good news though, colic generally does not last beyond the first three months!
Several studies that involved more than 12,000 babies have indicated that mothers who smoke during pregnancy face almost twice the risk of having a baby with colic. Exposure to second hand smoke also appears to increase the risk for colic.
Parents dealing with a colicky baby need to be observant and patient. Experimenting may be required to find ways to comfort your baby. Holding your baby is notably the most effective way to calm him.
Interestingly, one doctor commented that "the more hours they are held, even early in the day when they are not fussy, the less time they will be fussy in the evening." Holding your new baby does not spoil your child! Swinging, rocking or singing lullabyes can also be effective.
Over the years, there have been many stories about foods breastfeeding mothers should avoid. What do the facts show? Breastfeeding mothers who eat gas producing food DO NOT induce gas or crying in their babies. The gas mothers may get from gas producing food comes from the undigested part that remains in their intestines. The portion that enters the blood stream and then makes its way to the breastmilk is not the part that produces the gas in the first place. It was mentioned that a single glass of wine in the evening may be good for both mom and baby. Foods that should be avoided would include caffeinated beverages, chocolate, nuts and possibly some dairy products or spices.
Caring for a colicky baby can be exhausting for the already worn out mom. Colic is no-ones fault, so don't burden yourself with extra stress and guilt. Do your best to relax and remember that your baby will outgrow it.
If you are ever unsure whether your baby's crying is colic or a symptom of another illness, check with your pediatrician, by all means!
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