Are you unsure about the APR on your auto loan? Do not simply focus on the monthly payment amount. Dig deep. Read more to improve your understanding of the basics of APR and how you can work hard on obtaining a good Annual Percentage Rate. Remember a well-thought, well-researched auto loan will reap you more benefits than an impulsive decision.
The idea to spend money cautiously is one that sounds simple in words but becomes difficult to execute. Especially, when you fixate your eyes on a new car that you wish to make your own. However, a clear mind, knowledge backed by research and a strong mindset will not only help you buy the car you love but will also save your money.
APR 101: Understanding the Annual Percentage Rate in Detail
Seeking your own answers to the following questions on APR will help you plan your finances in the correct manner.
1. What exactly is an APR?
The literal meaning of APR is Annual Percentage Rate, which in effect is the yearly amount that you will pay on your auto loan. Typically, an APR is the actual price that you pay for the borrowed money over the loan term. For instance, if you seek out an auto loan of $500 with an APR of 10%, the interest that you are expected to pay is $50 for that year, depending on your auto loan deal.
2. What is an Ideal APR Number?
According to Statista, the general APR on auto loans is close to 4.96%. However, the APR that the auto lenders offer you will depend on your credit score and credit history. The higher your credit score, the better are your chances of obtaining a lower APR. For instance, consumers who have a good credit score of 760 or more, get an auto loan with APR as low as 2% to 3%.
Alternatively, for subprime car buyers with a score of 580 or lower, the APR can be in the range of 10% to 15%. Therefore, the reason an APR becomes important is that a good APR means responsible spending that helps you save in the long run.
3. How to obtain a Good APR on your Auto Loan?
A good credit score will help you in attaining a good APR as lenders are more certain about their investment in you. In order to strengthen your credit score, clear off all past debts and payments. Also, make all your current payments on time. Another factor that can help you in getting a low APR is the length of the loan. Usually, an auto loan with 60 months or lower, will assist you in getting a good APR. Also, the age of the car plays an important role in ascertaining the number. The newer the vehicle, the lower the APR on your car.
Stay Aware: Make an Informed Car Buying Decision
Acquiring a good APR on your auto loan is not a very difficult task. The average rate of interest for US auto loans may be low. However, you should be aware of your personal credit score and financial situation. It will give you the edge to effectively negotiate a good APR on your auto loan. Therefore, stay aware and focused on your current financial standing and the path ahead to get your car will become easier.
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