Are You Fearful of Your Finances in Your Retirement Years?

Aug 22


Kim Kimmse Toth

Kim Kimmse Toth

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Sadly, most women will answer 'yes'. That said, you have more control over your financial situation than you probably think. And if you don't think yo...


Sadly,Are You Fearful of Your Finances in Your Retirement Years? Articles most women will answer 'yes'. That said, you have more control over your financial situation than you probably think. And if you don't think you have any control then it's time to be proactive and take some action. This is your life. This is your future.

I know how easy it is to be complacent and figure it will all fall into place when the time comes. Or that your husband, father or brother will keep you financially safe and you don't have to worry your pretty little head about it. Hint: Men are not a retirement plan. Or, like me, your husband passes away and you have big decisions to make about Social Security. When to take Social Security is a big decision and not to be taken lightly.

You are a smart, savvy and talented woman. You have a good head on your shoulders. You are a 'take charge' woman in almost all areas of your life.

Does that include your finances? The reality is men are much better about this than we women. Finances can scare you and when you are scared or intimidated you have a tendency to do nothing.

You can't afford to do nothing! This is your future we are talking about. Do you really want to have to live with your children because you have no other option?

Do you know that women lose 60% of their wealth after a death or divorce? (This is from Bob Melville, an economist that teaches at the University of Denver's Women's College.

He suggested what he considers an informative and easy read book. "Your Money or Your Life" by Robin, Vicki,Dominguez, Joe,Tilford, Monique

Here are some other tips he recommends: 

  • Take out 4% in your retirement fund to keep up with inflation
  • Best to take out your Social Security at age 70 if you can wait that long. That will yield you the highest monthly payments made to you
  • If you have an Annuity, does it have 'cost of living ' riders? Not all do.
  • This was news to me: if you are divorced and were married at least 10 years you may be eligible for half of his Social Security. And don't worry, he will never know you are getting a monthly check and it will not hurt his Social Security. This is true even if he has remarried.

Please don't dilly dally on this. If you have been putting off getting the straight 'news' about your retirement situation, it's time to start.

Do you have a financial advisor? I have been with mine for over 25 years. Do you need one? Are you doing all your retirement investing on your own? That's fine if you are confident you know what you are doing.

I am really not trying to frighten you. I want you to be informed. I want you to have happy and financially safe retirement years. We live longer than men so we need to plan well.

To our long lived, financially free retirement years!
