If you are tired of being broke having bad credit. Do not give up. It is not the end of the world. This world is full of second and third chances. It is not the end of the world.
It feels like the end of the world being brokewith bad credit, lots of us have been there. I wish I could throw you some money but, I can't. You are going to have to fight through it. Hopefully you can find away to get your spirit back and be happy, without money problems swimming in your brain. You have bad credit, do not let that make you feel ashamed or lousy. Maybe you lost your job or, you were irresponsible. No matter what the reason is, you are broke and have bad credit. That is not going to change at the moment. Try to think of an activity you can take part in that is absolutely free, a hobby, a walk, people watching, cards, what ever it may be. Try to find some beauty in the world around you. Relax your mind from the reality of being broke. It sounds crazy but, maybe you should go volunteer at a homeless shelter. I am sure seeing people in a much worse situation than you are, might be uplifting. Do you feel good when you help other people? If so then think of ways you can make a difference in peoples lives. The good will come back to you. Who knows, you might win the lottery. Okay, that is a little nuts but, if you give you will receive. To make that happen, you just simply have to believe it. Get another job, make a plan, one that you can afford and handle. Fight yourself to become a better person. Know that you are human and you always have another chance. Be strong and do not be afraid of the troubles that might come your way. Be a soldier and fight it. Do not let worries over run your soul. If it has not happened yet, then do not worry about it.
Work at Home should you quit your job
If you want to work at home, make sure you have the right guide and the right format. Make sure you are consistent and have a steady income coming in before you decide to quit your job.Can Teens work at Home and make Money Online
There really is no age limit when it comes to working at home. As long as it dose not interfere with your homework, I would say go for it.Money problems I need help
Money Problems can take over a person and how they feel about everything. Money is a need but, Is it possible to adapt with less reliance on it. If only we could make it a hobby to save money.