Communication With Your Mortgage Company When They Are Foreclosing on Your Home
Learn about the two most important areas where you and your mortgage company need to communicate well.
I had a hard time making positive that I understood what my bank was needing in the middle of my foreclosure action. There were only a few times when I truly understood what they were requesting of me. The rest of the time,

I thought I realized what they wanted but found out belatedly that I was incorrect.
A couple of vital things that you must be certain you are absolutely clear on is what must be completed for your fiscal hardship documents and whatever workout understandings. If info gets filled out wrong or if you are doubtful of the conditions of your understanding with them, the price could very simply be your house. I understand that you do not want to lose your house because of an oversight so please be certain that you have the facts on these. Not being clear on some of your documentation when your bank is foreclosing on your home might be disasterous.
The area that may be an problem in your fiscal hardship documentation is being positive that you provided them with everything that they wanted. While I was moving through foreclosure, one of my banks always lost paperwork on a continual basis. They did this with my fiscal hardship paperwork as well. I was forced to fax them the same paperwork twice. You may have to do the same thing. It is dependent on your bank and on how well organized they are. Be positive that you realize what exactly it is that they want on your financial paperwork and what backup documentation they require. Ask questions if you do not get or are not clear on something. Also be certain to phone them to verify that they got all of the required paperwork.
Your workout understanding with them will likewise be a different critical area. Make positive that you understand just what it is that you are agreeing to. Again, ask questions if you do not understand something. There was some documentation that my bank asked me to sign that I did not understand so I phoned and enquired of them what exactly it was for. Something that I wish I had finished and that I suggest that you do is ask your mortgage company the name of every piece of documentation that they will be mailing you and what exactly it means. Do this before the paperwork is actually sent to you so that you completely know what it is that you are handling.
Overall, communication with your mortgage company while they are foreclosing on your home can be a difficulty. That is why I urge that you use the echo technique when you are talking with them. It is pretty simple. Whenever you think you know what the representative is trying to state and what it is that they require from you, echo back to them, in your own words, what it is that you believe they are stating. This assists in forestalling misunderstandings and will spare you concerns in the long run. Might want to even try this one out in your personal family relationships.