Compare Term Life Insurance with Whole Coverage to Determine Your Best Option
If you are unsure whether to get term life insurance or a whole policy, find out what sets them apart. Then talk to your insurance agent for help getting the policy you need.
You may hear about term life insurance often,
probably because it is usually considered the best option for many people. If you are not sure how it differs from another common choice, called whole coverage, you should learn the differences before you pay for any premiums. You will likely end up saving yourself some money and getting only the coverage you need this way.
In general, term life insurance only covers you for life, which means your beneficiaries get the money when you pass away. You typically purchase this policy in periods ranging from one to 30 years, and you will find that the premiums are usually quite cheap until you are about 50 years old. After that point, your premium will probably be expensive, especially if you choose a 30 year term, as you are much more likely to pass away within that time period than if you were 25 when you bought the policy. Therefore, if you opt for this approach, make sure you buy it while young to get the best rates.
On the other hand, whole life insurance is made up of both a term policy and an investment component. Though you probably often hear that it is good to save for retirement, and any investment may sound wise, this is not always the case for whole coverage. This is because it is much more expensive than your other options, as it will eventually make you money on your initial investment. However, when you look at the large commissions, high fees, and expensive premiums, this type of policy is not usually the best one to get. This is especially true because you do not know what return you will get on your investment, which means it is risky after taking into account the fees you will pay over time.
Despite the plain facts, only an insurance professional will be able to properly advise you on the best kinds of policies for you. You may find that whole coverage suits you perfectly. For example, people who have a lot of money may find it helpful to pay any estate taxes using the profit they make from this kind of policy. Of course this is not the case if you do not have an estate to leave behind after your death, in which case term life insurance, combined with other types of investment, may be best for you.
If you cannot afford to pay to get the advice of a professional, try to find one who offers a free consultation to help you make up your mind on this point. You can also typically request price quotes online for free. Try to get a few quotes of both types of policies so you can directly compare the premiums. This may help you narrow down your options since you may not be able to easily afford some totals. Then, if you already have homeowner's or car policies through a particular provider, talk to your agent to find out the best choice for you.