Countrywide loan modification is a great tool for you to save your home from foreclosure. Knowing the basics of loan modification can make the difference between getting your countrywide loan modification approved.
Knowing the basics of loan modification can make the difference between getting your countrywide loan modification approved. Countrywide loan modification is a great tool for you to save your home from foreclosure. It also helps your monthly repayments become more affordable for you.
The truth is,

most of the deserving homeowners have their application declined all because they do not know how to prepare all their paperwork appropriately. In order to get that approval, you have to make sure that everything is completed according to the strictest guidelines.
If you are thinking of getting a countrywide loan modification, make sure that you know a lot of information about them. Remember: Information is power, and the more you know, the more chances you will have of making the right decisions.
What are some of the things you need to know about countrywide loan modification?
First of all, you have to understand that the loss of equity in your home does not necessarily qualify you to categorize it under the hardship category. Before you do this, make sure that you know which situations fall under it. Those accepted as hardship include: Loss of job or reduction in income, death of the homeowner, spouse or family member, illness of homeowner or family member, divorce or separation, forced job relocation by employer, adjustable rate reset-payment shock.
Second, the people who process your letters are very impatient with mistakes. They also don't provide enough leeway to tolerate any missed documents just because you “forgot it”. So the best thing to do is to make sure that your documents are accurate and complete before you give them.
Third, back up your ability to pay your monthly payments. Loan modification is a tool to help you afford a new monthly payment with your current income. However, it would be really meaningless if you apply for it without having the means to pay the newer rates that are given to you. So, the lesson here is clear: Do your homework and check if you have the capacity to pay the new proposed payment plan.
Fourth, complete your financial statement. Make sure that your financial statement is complete by detailing your income and expenses as accurately as it would allow you to. Show them that you are doing your best to cut expenses so you can save your home. In terms of day to day operation, make sure to leave some disposable income after all your bills are paid.
Fifth, answer your form thoroughly. Never ever make the mistake of leaving out blank spaces in your application. There is a reason why they put those in the form, so make sure you answer all of them.
The truth is, it is not really that difficult applying for a countrywide loan modification is not really that difficult if you do your homework. Take small steps, but don’t forget to follow these guidelines, and you will have a much better chance of getting your modifications approved.