Current Car Loan Interest Rates – What You Can Expect When You Buy Your Next Car
Buying a new car can be a confusing time. Learn what to expect in terms of interest rates and more before you go shopping.
If you are looking to buy a new car,

truck, SUV, or other vehicle, you may be wondering how much the loan to purchase your vehicle will cost in terms of interest. The fact is that determining the interest you will pay is quite complex, as there are many factors that will determine the amount for different buyers and different types of loans.Your FICO ScoreOne of the most important factors that will determine your interest is your FICO credit score. If your credit score is 650 or above, you will definitely pay less interest than a borrower whose credit score is lower. Lenders assume that there is less risk involved in writing automobile loans for borrowers with stellar credit, and those with FICO scores over 700 may even be offered loans with zero interest.Down PaymentsThe type of automobile financing you receive will also play a part in determining your interest rate. If you receive one hundred percent financing, you will pay more interest than if you make a down payment towards the purchase. Even paying a small amount down will help lower your interest rate, although some borrowers may be asked to pay as much as twenty percent of the total purchase price of the automobile as a down payment before the financing goes through.Length Of Loan TermThe length that you wish to finance your automobile will also determine the rate of interest you will pay. Typically, automobile loans run from thirty six to seventy two months. The longer it takes you to pay off your loan, the higher rate of interest you will be charged because it takes the lender longer to recoup their money. Alternately, if you are paying off your car sooner, your interest rate will be lower because the lender is planning to be repaid sooner. Keep in mind, however, that paying your car off over a longer period of time is an option that should be considered for those borrowers who do not wish to face a big monthly payment. Shorter terms mean bigger payments, longer terms mean smaller payments.Lenders That Save You MoneyThe interest that you will be charged is also determined by the lender that you use. Online lenders typically offer lower rates of interest than lenders in a brick and mortar bank or lending institution. The reason for this lies in the amount of competition that a lender faces, and since there are so many lenders offering auto loans online, the interest charged on automobile loans that originate online is usually much less than your local bank could offer you.In addition, these online lenders provide you with loans that are pre-approved, which gives you bargaining power when you go car shopping (loan in hand) than waiting on dealer financing to go through and haggling over the price.