Putting the program on the line using their money back guarantee, I tested it firsthand and months later am finally sharing my final results and impressions in this day trade program review.
Day Trading Robot is a day trade program which goes in and performs all of the analytical work on your behalf, making it possible for anyone to invest confidently and reliably without needing to have the skills of your average Wall Street type.
The first thing to know about this program is how it works. As mentioned, this is a day trade program which relies on mathematical algorithms to tell it how to trade. These algorithms build working databases of past trend data and take advantage of the fact that the market evolves and moves in patterns and cycles. It applies the information from these databases to current, real time market data to find similarities to further investigate. Once the program has found what it deems to be a high probability trading opportunity, it notifies you so that in the end all you've got to do is enact the recommended trade simply using an online trading account.
I began following this program's picks' performances in the market before I invested in any of them, just to be safe. They all performed for the first two weeks so I began investing a bit of capital into my first acted on pick. This was a stock valued at 15 cents when I got wind of the pick and I bought up a thousand shares or so. I should mention that the major difference which sets Day Trading Robot apart from most other trading programs is that it only deals in penny stocks. This is advantageous and helps to give this system the best winning rate of any program to date as these are commonly known as being lower risk investments but still carry a great bit of profit potential.
Get back to my story, I received that 15 cent stock pick on a Sunday. I bought a thousand shares or so as I said and logged out of my trading account. Not two days later I logged back in to find that it had shot up practically overnight to double in value at 31 cents a share. I had to log out and back in to make sure I was reading it correctly. I began compulsively checking on that stock like a madman for the next few days until it finally topped off at 48 cents and quickly turned to drop again. By the time I got out I had just about tripled my initial investment.
These aren't the typical results which I have continued to experience with this program, but I have tripled up on a few more investments which it has generated for me since then. I have continued to receive winning picks in the several months which I began with this system and I continue to use it religiously today as a low effort source of supplemental income which I would recommend to anyone who is looking for the same thing.
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