Employer Based Health Insurance Plans Vs. Private Pay Plans
Since people are paying so much more for health insurance that they get from their job, they are checking how much it would be for a private plan. There is a lot to think about and look into though. The benefits need to be compared as well as the cost. What many do find out rather quickly is that although the employer plan does not give them all that they want and is very costly, it can be beat.
Since people are paying so much more for health insurance that they get from their job,

they are checking how much it would be for a private plan. There is a lot to think about and look into though. The benefits need to be compared as well as the cost. What many do find out rather quickly is that although the employer plan does not give them all that they want and is very costly, it can be beat.
If you have full employee benefits you will usually see that the plan that you have will always cost you less out of pocket than any other that you can find. There are pretty good reasons why it is less costly to go with a group plan. When you have an individual plan it is based on just you. A group plans rate is based on a large group of people and will therefore have a much greater chance of being a lot cheaper.
Employer based plans do a few things that are worth mentioning. They do have better benefits. The plans are quite often HMO's so you do have to deal with a limited pool of doctors and such. The fact is though that you will get pretty good coverage with these plans no matter what illness you come down with or how you manage to hurt yourself. You just have to go along with their rules and see who they want you too for this care.
For the most part the only people that will get a private pay insurance company are those that have no other choice. It is a smart way to go if you are between jobs that offer benefits or for those that are self-employed. These insurance companies can offer a lot that people need. There is short term insurance for those that are planning on having an employer based plan again soon and also things like travelers insurance.
You don't see holiday sales on health insurance. It is an expensive part of life. The most affordable health insurance that you will be able to find will likely be that which is offered from an employer. Even though it might still seem to you that you are paying a whole lot, it is likely a very good deal for the money. It just takes a little comparison shopping to see what else is out there and then determine that you have it pretty good.