Factors that encouraged PMS Consulting in India
Article analyses causative factors that contributed to the growth of PMS consulting in India.
Before addressing the topic directly,

I would just like to draw the attention of my readers to some of the preceding causative factors that have ushered in unprecedented economic and trade boom in our country. Passing of significant economic reforms in the early 1990's followed by their requisite systemic implementation helped in nurturing an environment that encouraged trade and furthered investment for business of all classes across sectors.This resulted in horizontal as well as vertical growth for all sections of businesses concerned, and we saw mushrooming of several old and new businesses which today have become household names. Thus the private sector picked up growth and with the setting up of various MNC's skilled educated workforce was now more in demand than ever before in Indian and overseas markets.Higher investment of capital and subsequent profits resulted in an overall increase in living standards of the middle class. People now had significantly higher disposable income in their hands compared to a few decades back. Thus more millionaires were created in the last two decades than ever before.There was the inception of the concept of high net worth individuals (HNI's) during this era and this segment of people has only seen an ascendance in numbers in recent years. A good number of these people have chosen to wisely invest their hard earned money in suitable investment avenues to achieve their life goals.But not all of them have the required financial expertise to understand how to invest with minimal risk keeping in mind the various market dynamics. This need for experts with proper actionable knowledge on where and how to invest one's hard earned money gave rise to individual portfolio managers who would analyses client's cash flow and devise appropriate portfolio's to help them meet their financial goals.What started in a small manner has now resulted in a full-fledged niche industry, where clients can now avail of numerous personalized Portfolio Management Services (PMS), consulting services, etc. to ensure that their financial investment is well taken care of in a professional manner.Another important factor that encouraged Indians to invest in portfolio management services, is the overall increase in financial literacy amongst both urban and rural folks. This ushered in a gradient shift in the thinking mindset of the earlier risk averse and conservative Indian investor to a more pragmatic and practical investor who would want to invest wisely to maximize returns of his money.Thus they have now realized that there are other more prudent investment options apart from traditional banks to invest their capital thus making more money out of their investments in the longer run.PMS consulting has now become a fiercely competitive industry with numerous firms both domestic and international now actively involved in offering such services to investors at a large. With the concept of portfolio management services gaining acceptance to the growing pool of HNI's, investors will benefit as the right consulting firm will ensure that investors avail of maximum returns on the capital invested.