Forex Automated software is it the Holy Grail and can it make you money at home??
It is well worth doing some sort of research if you are looking to trade Forex and are looking for the best Forex trading software and Forex system. Make sure the product you are looking at is reputable- preferably with some form of award, and non-conditional money back guarantee. Also you are able to customize your own Trading System with the help of the automated Forex trading software.
There are lots of different Forex trading software available on the internet to download. But before you risk any real money you might want to try out a demo account first before you start trading (most brokers provide this option) on a full account. If however you purchase a really good bit of software you usually don't need to use a demo account,

for the simple reason results will differ between a live account and a demo account plus the emotion you feel with trading is never there on a demo account.
Automated Forex Trading software can be for everyone, whether you're at the beginner level or an expert in Forex trading. You're don't need to have any experience or knowledge in with Forex to start using a Forex Automated robot. They are simply designed for anyone to pick up and start making an income online, well the good ones anyway!! It is very easy thou to be intimidated by all of the Forex software available to you. You may think they are just too complicated to use; but the truth is many are so simple to operate, even for beginners.
If you do decide to use Forex automated software, you give yourself the chance to stay true to your strategy and avoid getting caught up in your emotions. The main reason 95% of people fail using Forex automated software is their emotions, emotion of losing money takes over they pull out of trades early or even worse they risk everything for the hope that one trade will get them rich!!
The main question in everyone's thoughts is "Can I make money from Forex trading software or even automated Forex trading software?" Well, the answer to that is yes. The proper research and study of the functionality of currency trading including Forex automated robots has proved that these system can be very profitable, but there are some real bad eggs out there and these bits of software are never 100% accurate.
You will suffer drawdown's or losses at some point this is fact. Draw downs of anywere between 10% to 20% are typical for Forex trading software and they are part of life, so if you cannot stomach losses this is not for you.
What you must remember is some robots are better than others, you must see past the sales hype and chose one on its merits in the "real world" as some sales pages only show you the creators earnings, sure they may be correct but most of the time the owner is a professional trader and not showing you the full picture. But you are fully protected as most robots come with a money back guarantee so you have no worries if the robot is not working as it should.
Forex robots on the whole will be very profitable even in this economic turmoil, with markets up and down Forex is now more than ever a great place to be, this is probably the only true Rescession proof income around!
There are some certain risks thou associated with Internet home-based trading systems you need to know, including, the failure of your hardware as all these software programs rely on your computer being turned on during the duration, software and the Internet connection. There are Robots and services which can provide VPS service's which means they host the software on there servers and so you avoid some of the pitfalls of using your own hardware.