Four interior design tips for your office in Aberdeen
Office space typically used to be a very low-key affair with little interior decoration and dull design; this is no longer the case today. A major part of demonstrating the success of your business is making a good impression on clients with your office. The overall look of your office will depend on the industry that you are in and altered designs that the competition have used.
The design of an office is extremely important for businesses based in Aberdeen as it can exhibit creative flair with little effort. Add some more panache to the Aberdeen office with facilities,

as this can increase the impressiveness of the business, as well as increasing the value of the business premises.
However, there have been a number of Aberdeen based companies who have noticed the potential benefits to reap, thus it could become difficult to set your company apart from others and demonstrate a unique style. As result, come up with top tips to help with getting the most out of your Aberdeen office design - both monetarily and stylistically.
1. Provide wireless internet to visiting clients: For more businesses, the internet is absolutely integral to their operation; however there are still a large amount of Aberdeen offices that use cable connections as opposed to a wi-fi connection. A cable connection may be sometimes more secure than wireless, however it rarely leaves an impression on clients - particularly as a number of them will use smartphones that can connect to the internet, usually enabled for wireless.
Clients would be grateful to be able to surf the internet in your premises - however it is essential to password-protect an unprotected network as this could be leeched by other users, but it would be a good service to provide clients with the password. This service will allow them to use online software and check contact emails, potentially helping to speed up the securing of a business deal, providing a significant benefit to your company.
2. Cultural art: A common problem with a large number of Aberdeen offices is having dull and bare walls, which not only show a lack of imagination, but also a poor use of potential. Your choice of art is generally dependant on the field your company is in - an advertising agency may place old work on the walls, however Aberdeen is the location of key design companies that are experts at designing Aberdeen office space. In fact, my Aberdeen Office Space that was found has had their interiors fully designed by leading Aberdeen tradesmen and designers.
3. Hints of company logo/motif around the office: You've already reeled the clients in so why continue to reiterate the company name? A name will be easily remembered if it is repeated and a themed office can also significantly increase the impressiveness of an office and demonstrate confidence in the business. A number of companies use this idea, such as YouTube, who have put company logos on their walls as well as basing their entire office scheme on the colour of their website. It is also a good idea to put previous work onto the walls as well as critic reviews, as this can further show recognition of good work, providing a boost to employee morale.
4. Open plan workplace: An open plan layout is an effective way to immediately impress clients in the office, as well as put office space to good use and encourage staff interaction. This is particularly useful for SMES as making use of the office space to spread staff around is advantageous, as this will give the impression of a confident and successful company. It also demonstrates a creative flair and adaptability - which are all key to the success and continued growth of a business.
Conclusively, it is you and your company's prerogative to furnish your Aberdeen office as you desire, ensuring to budget and remain cost-effective. These are simple recommendations and will help to optimise the layout and potential of your business.