Gain the greatest income in retirement by comparing annuity companies
A pleasant retirement is something we all want to enjoy once we halt our working lives.
A key element which effects your retirement is the amount of money you are receiving from an annuity.
Pension annuities are products we don't muse about until we reach retirement age as we are so busy getting on with our lives. There are many reasons why we don't think about annuities in working life such as.... lack of knowledge,
lack of comprehension and laziness.
Industry insiders find this alarming as finding the best annuity option can lead to income increases as high as 40% or more. As you can observe, this is a huge amount of extra funds.
The first dilemma to solve when looking for an annuity is.... There are several places you can go to find the best deal on an annuity including... your current pension firm, an IFA or an annuity specialist. These all have different costs associated with them, so make sure you choose the option which is right for you.
You might seem a bit bewildered with all this information, but receiving the correct advice is important when looking for investment-linked annuities. If you take the decision not to contrast annuity companies you could miss the chance of a more prosperous retirement. Many who took the first offer annuity are now wishing they had compare pension providers.
A section of these annuity customers will have also been permitted to apply for an annuity with built in enhancements, which could mean they are missing out on a much better income. It should be recorded however that the 35% rate increase is only offered to those who have had previous and serious medical conditions. There are a number of conditions which can entitle better rates such as stoke, organ replacement and Multiple Sclerosis.
You may be thinking to yourself... 'I have not had a heart attack or serious illness'. Well even if this is true you could still be in line for an enhanced annuity because of other contributory factors. It is not unusual to be given enhanced rates if you can prove you smoke heavily or drink alcohol on a regular basis. The best way to proceed would be to always inform your annuity broker of anything which could impact your life expectancy.
The reasoning which lays behind why providers can offer higher rates is that they work out that you will on average die earlier than the average annuity holder. It is also worth mentioning that better pension rates can be paid if the retiree suffers from any of the following conditions arthritis, asthma or liver transplant. This list demonstrates that there are more than one way in which you could be in line for a better rate.
So to make sure you don't miss the chance of receiving a higher annuity payout, contrast annuity providers now - it may be the most significant decision you make.