When it comes to car insurance, Geico and 21st Century are pretty much well-known. Geico is considered to be bigger and this is largely thanks to their massive marketing campaigns. In fact, even though a person seeking auto insurance may not sign up with Geico, he or she will almost always get a quote from them simply because of brand recall.
When it comes to car insurance, Geico and 21st Century are pretty much well-known. Geico is considered to be bigger and this is largely thanks to their massive marketing campaigns. In fact, even though a person seeking auto insurance may not sign up with Geico, he or she will almost always get a quote from them simply because of brand recall.
On the other hand, 21st Century has a very nice tagline: “You live in the 21st Century. Isn’t it about time your car insurance company joined you there?” This gives the potential customer the immediate feel that he’s signing up with a carrier that understands car protection and problems in today’s world.
Marketing aside though, which is the better carrier?
Geico Insurance: Online Presence, Offline User Experience
As Geico is such a huge company, it’s not surprising that its website is also very big and detailed. The site is user-friendly, easy to navigate, provides good facilities to get a free quote fast, and has an excellent online system where you can file claims. There’s also a lot of information you can read on their site regarding other types of coverage such as flood insurance, overseas coverage, condo policies, and more!
Offline, user reviews about Geico are mixed. On the good side, people believe that the carrier offers highly competitive rates, offer great customer service, and that their claims have been resolved quickly. Still, there are some who complain that it’s a nightmare when you start making claims. Those for Geico argue that everything is writing in the small print. And so if your contract does not provide coverage for a certain thing, then your claims on that will not be paid. Of course, many argue that they have valid claims and are just not being paid.
21st Century Insurance: Online Presence, Offline User Experience
As for their website, 21st Century’s seems a bit on the simple side. However, start clicking around and you’ll soon end up on the information you need. It’s easy to get a quote, they provide various other types of policies (earthquake, flood, homeowners, etc.) and they also offer a good facility to make claims online.
Offline, there’s one negative thing that keeps on resonating during our research: many are unpleased with their customer service. In fact, many complain that they get hung up on(!) while in the middle of asking for a quote or filing a claim.
On the good side, many do agree that the company is true to its claim that they offer lower rates on car insurance.
As everybody has his own unique situation, it’s important that you do extensive research before signing up with ANY car insurance provider. For starters, give Geico and 21st Century a call and ask for a free quote and see for yourself how their agents treat you. Once you get the quote, be sure to compare them point by point. Don’t just look at the premium rate but on what it actually covers.
And last but not the least, it may be tedious, but do read the fine print!
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