Get a Large Unsecured Loan: Four Steps to Success
Thinking about applying for a large unsecured loan? This article will outline four steps to help you succeed in that goal.
Up until even a few years ago that little 3-digit number we call a credit score wasn’t too important for most people. With the advance of subprime lenders and the credit free-for-all that was the early 2000s,

getting a home, a car, or even a second home was easy. Then, the bubble burst. Now, to try to get any kind of loan, and especially a large unsecured loan with bad credit or even a decent credit score, seems impossible.However, those with bad credit and middle-of-the road credit scores should not lose all hope. There are still ways to get unsecured loans, even large unsecured loans, if people follow the right steps and take all important factors into consideration.First Step: Do a Credit CheckYou may think you know your credit score, but more often than not people are surprised by what they find. This doesn’t always happen in the negative column, though. If it is has been a while since you last checked your score, you may be pleasantly surprised.Generally, to get an unsecured loan a minimum credit score of 730 is recommended. If yours is substantially lower than that, you may need to come up with an alternate plan. If your score is close to that number, spending as little as six months making positive changes to your spending habits can give your credit score that last boost.Second Step: Think about the PaymentsMost people looking for loans are so focused on the principle amount they are given that they neglect the most important part of receiving a loan: repaying it! When you look for loans and consider if a large unsecured loan is right for you, you need to do so under the guise of how much your monthly payments will cost at different interest rates. Even someone with sterling credit without sufficient income to afford a $400+ payment each month will get denied for a large unsecured loan.Third Step: Deeply Consider Your Loan’s PurposeThough having extra cash for luxury expenses like vacations or lavish weddings is nice, these are not good reasons to take out large unsecured loans. Generally speaking, a lender will ask you why you want an unsecured loan and use that reason to help in making his decision. Show lenders that you understand the responsibility that goes along with large unsecured loans by only using them for worthwhile expenses.Fourth Step: Find the Right LenderEspecially if searching online, you will quickly notice that there are more lenders out there than days in the week. That means that you will have a lot of opportunities to apply for a large unsecured loan. However, not all of these lenders are considered equally. Make sure that, if you do choose to take a large unsecured loan from a particular lender that you also take the time to research that lender’s history and reputation among the lending community.Making the Decision to Get a LoanIf, after completing the above steps you make the decision to get a large unsecured loan, be sure that you are really diligent about the loan’s repayment. Success getting a loan now does not guarantee success getting a loan in the future. You need to constantly cultivate your credit and be sure to be responsible with the loans you already have.