Health plan options in Florida
Purchasing health insurance in Florida is not a complicated process. Residents have access to a wide variety of plans and a large number of insurance companies that have helped them buy a plan that is most suited to their needs.
Based on who is paying for it,

Florida health insurance plans can be classified into two categories – individual health plans and group plans.
Individual health insurance plans are those plans that are customized according to the needs and requirements of one particular individual or family, whatever the case may be. Here the entire premium is paid by one entity, i.e. the person or the family.
Group health insurance Florida are those plans that are usually accessed at work. This one size fits all health plan is the cheapest way to health coverage. A part of the premium is paid by the employer while the other part is paid by the employees. Group health plans come with a lot of added advantages. Also rarely do people who apply for group insurance are denied are denied coverage.
Health insurance in Florida can also be categorized on the basis of the kind of coverage they offer. According the flexibility of the health plan, there are two types of medical policies available in Florida – indemnity health plans and managed healthcare plans.
Indemnity health plans are the traditional form of getting medical coverage in the US. These plans are the most flexible and there are no restrictions on the doctors to consul. However, they are the costliest as well and one needs to pay his medical bills upfront and later get it reimbursed from the insurer. Indemnity health plans are slowly losing their sheen among the residents of Florida.
Managed health plans in Florida, on the other hand, provide restricted but primary and preventive healthcare services. The idea is to treat a disease before it grows into a bigger medical and financial menace.
There are various types of managed health insurance in Florida – Health Maintenance Organization plan (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan and Point of Service (PoS) plan.
An HMO is the cheapest form of getting health insurance in Florida. It offers the most basic, primary and preventive healthcare. However, here there is a restricted network of healthcare service providers and one necessarily has to stick to it, except in cases of emergency. One also needs to consult to Primary Physician before he can consult a specialist.
A PPO plan is slightly more expensive than a HMO but offers more flexibility. The plan can basically fluctuate from being a HMO to an indemnity, depending on the need of the beneficiary every time he visits the doctor. The premiums are comparable to that of an HMO, but the co-pay will be more of the applicant decides to consult beyond the network. There is also no need to consult a primary care physician before consulting a specialist.
There are unlimited options in health insurance Florida. Residents should settle down for a policy only after a thorough research and a careful comparison.