Discover alternative ways to finance your business when the banks are not an option. Look what most major companies have used at one time or another during their growth history.
Do you own a growing business that needs financing? If you are
like most business owners, whenever your business needs money
you head over to the bank. Unfortunately, as most small business
owners soon find out, most banks do not lend money to
businesses unless they have significant collateral and a
history of successful operations. This presents quite a
challenge for business owners.
When banks are not an option, small business owners turn to what
is known as the alternative financing funding market. Although
the financing options discussed in this article fall
under the alternative financing category, they are actually quite
widely used and should be considered mainstream. Most major
companies (including public companies) have used this alternative
financing at one time or another during their growth history.
Most of the tools described in this article can only be used
by businesses that are already in operation, and whose main
requirement is working capital. Although startups can benefit
from these tools, the companies will need to be in operation
for a little while and have a growing list of clients.
General Invoice Factoring
Invoice factoring (also known as accounts receivable factoring)
is ideal for business owners who cannot afford to wait 30 to
90 days to get paid by their clients. It allows a business to
sell invoices from commercial customers to a financing company
for immediate payment. The financing company buys the invoices
at a discount and waits for the customer to pay.
The main advantage of factoring your invoices is that the
financing company makes its decision using the credit of the
payer, rather than yours. That means that if you own a small
company that is doing business with a large credit worthy
company, you are almost certain to have the transaction
approved. Another advantage of factoring is that it does not
have set limits like lines of credit. The level of financing
is limited only by the amount you sell to credit worthy clients.
General factors can work with most industries, although there
are two main industry subspecialties - freight bill factoring
and medical factoring.
Freight Bill Invoice Factoring
Trucking companies tend to be very cash hungry businesses. The
owners need money to pay their drivers, pay gasoline and pay
suppliers. However, most trucking companies also work with a
high volume of freight invoices from credit worthy clients.
That makes freight bill factoring an ideal solution for their
cash flow issues. Just like in general factoring, the factoring
company buys the freight invoices from the trucking company for
immediate cash.. Furthermore, the risk for these types of
transactions is lower than in general factoring. This means that
trucking companies can qualify for preferential financing terms.
Medica l Factoring
Most medical industry businesses (doctor's offices, hospitals,
medical testing centers and medical supply companies) make the
bulk of their earnings by billing 3rd party insurance companies,
Medicare and Medicaid. Unfortunately, insurance companies are
notorious for paying their invoices in 30 to 90 days, creating
cash flow problems at the medical office. Factor ing medical
offices is a subspecialty of general factoring. Given the
complexities of the insurance industry, it usually requires
the participation of a factoring company with extensive
industry experience.
Generally speaking, the medica l factoring company will
provide you with financing based on your NET collectables
rather then your gross collectables. They will also need to
be part of the billing process, to ensure that they finance
the right amounts. Due to its complexity, medical factoring
is only accessible to medical businesses making at least
$100,000 a month. However, if your business qualifies for it,
you will find that it is a great tool to streamline your
cash flow and grow.
Purchase Order Funding (a.k.a PO Financing)
Most distributors and import/export companies tend to be very
cash hungry businesses, in part because of how the sales
process works. Usually, the process starts when the distributor
gets a purchase order (PO) from a client. They then purchase
the items from their supplier, who then drop ships it to the
end customer. This works well as long as the company has
enough money to pay the suppliers and wait for their clients
to pay for the product. However, sometimes a payment can take
up to 60 or 90 days to arrive, creating a big cash flow
challenge for the distributor. Other times, the company may
become too successful and get a purchase order that is too big
for them to finance. In these instances, the company should
consider purchase order funding financing. With PO financing,
a finance company handles your supplier payments and ensures
that the goods are properly delivered. Once the client pays
for the product, the transaction is settled and all parties
are paid. PO funding is a product that truly allows you to
grow your company - sometimes exponentially - while using
someone else's money.
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