Importance of Equity Research in today\\\'s Equity Markets
Article throws light on growing importance of equity research and equity analysts and why theiropinions are sought after by investors.
Talk of equity shares or investing in the equity market and most laymen would shy away considering it to be a very risky domain and associate it with gambling of sorts due to the high risk associated. Let’s delve a bit further to understand the actual reasons why investing in equity shares or in equity markets is perceived as risky business by the common man. The financial meaning of the word equity signifies a stock or any other security representing an ownership of interest. Equity markets are in general volatile due its direct relation with many other local and global dynamics involved. Thus a better understanding by means of equity research will allow us to have better insight over the fluctuations of the equity market and aid in the process of achieving desired financial objectives.Thus equity research bears paramount importance and its findings by equity research analysts is carefully followed up by all stake holders right from large companies to individual investors who invest a part of their capital in the equity market.Equity research involves carrying out critical analysis to evaluate the fair value of stocks owned by a particular company. On a broader role it is also used to signify the possibility of growth or decline inshare price of the company. The main objective of the analysis here is to find out trends by which decisions can be made to maximize returns from proposed investments.With growing volatility in equity markets,

decision makers depend upon equity analysts who excel at preparing premium equity research reports to estimate value of equity shares of a particular company, as well as try and decipher the probable future course of its fair priceafter studying trailing equity research report patterns. Along with the demand of quality equity research reports there has also been a growing demand of these equity analysts who are skilled to evaluate company fundamentals thereby guiding the investor on his/her position with the stock of the company. Hence using the tools of premium equity research reports and skills of a competent research analyst the investor is much better armed to make more prudent and informed investment decisions in the equity market.