Jewelry Buyers -- Helping You Clear Out Space
Selling your old items to jewelry buyers is a good way to make money and clear out space and it's not hard to find a legitimate business to deal with.
Most people are familiar with the late night info commercials encouraging you to send jewelry buyers your old junky gold or silver items in exchange for cash. And while admittedly very few people have drawers of gold just lying around,

there are people who have items they don't want anymore. There are other options besides blindly mailing off your objects.
For one thing if you do decide to mail your jewelry off to long distance jewelry buyers you really are not in a position to bargain or barter a selling price. And if they claim they never received your gold or silver jewelry, it can be time-consuming and a hassle to try to prove they did. Some unscrupulous companies probably count on this factor to take advantage of keeping your objects without paying for them.
It's a much better idea to locate local jewelry buyers if you're interested in getting rid of your old items. Most areas have local buyers in brick-and-mortar stores that are easy to locate. Keep in mind when you bring in your items for resell that often you're not going to be getting what you paid for it when you bought it new.
Gold and silver prices fluctuate up and down all the time. And generally when the jewelry buyers make an offer for your items they are giving you the fair market value for the gold or silver. Most of the time they are buying up what is considered junk jewelry because it is out of style or has been mistreated or is broken and simply doesn't look very good. Objects like this are bought up, melted down, and then redesigned into something that is more stylish and useful.
If you're not sure where to start your search for jewelry buyers you can begin by calling around to a few local stores and asking them if they buy jewelry. Some stores will say yes to this question and have you come in with the items in question. The jeweler will then look at what you have for sale and make an offer on the spot that you can either accept or reject. You don't have to worry about your objects getting lost or dealing with an unscrupulous buyer, since you know exactly who you're dealing with when you walk through the door.
Some people come across old broken jewelry that has no real value to anyone by scrounging through yard sales or flea market tables for hidden treasures. Or they will inherit some from an older relative that is not something they would ever consider wearing themselves because it is out of style or simply not in their taste.
This is a good way to make some extra cash by getting rid of things you don't want and wouldn't miss in the first place so why not clear out some drawer space?