Ways to deal with personal finance issues and things that can help you.
It can be complicated but what personal finance boils down to is how much money comes in and how much goes out. We usually lump family finances under the personal finance umbrella even though it should be there. There are multiple parts to consider when looking at your overall financial health. Expenses come first. This is an accounting of the goods and services bought on your own and by your family. Including everything paid for by cash and credit. Second is income. In this context, income refers to all the revenue that is received. The big question is how do you balance income with expenses and still leave some for savings.
When you're not able to pay all of your expenses using your income, you're not managing your finances properly. There are emergencies that pop up, it happens to everyone, prolonged overspending is what needs to be avoided. If you have a short income month it may be necessary to overspend to cover your expenses. For most people however, this excuse does not apply for many people. Theirs is simply a problem of financial mismanagement and lack of proper planning.
When you get swamped under expenses you start a cycle of debt that can quickly become overwhelming. This is tough because once this happens you have to find other sources of income to offset your debt as well as pay your regular expenses. Often this means you need to borrow money. Then at the end of the next month, you'll need to pay these debts plus your expenses and you end up overspending again. So you borrow some more and dig yourself in even deeper. The only way out of this is finding more revenue instead of continuing to borrow.