Living Without Health Insurance Can Have A Big Impact
Living with no health insurance can lead to a host of problems. Some of them concerning your health and others that are all about your financial situation.
Living with no health insurance can lead to a host of problems. Some of them concerning your health and others that are all about your financial situation. Medical debt could kill your future finance options. People that run into trouble without health insurance can ruin their credit. This means later that they will need their parents to help them with home purchases or new car loans. This is no way to start life as an adult.
I have heard some tales of kids fresh out of school gone off in search of adventure. It's a great idea to get out and see the world. You should always think about protecting yourself also though. One of those adventurous roamers acquired one of those high deductible health coverage policies that are sort of like emergency care coverage. The other buddy never worried about it. He was young and healthy and didn't want to spend the money on that.
The story continues naturally with injuries incurred. It is only natural there will be all kinds of injuries while searching the world for action and adventure. This is the best time to go out and do this and there is nothing wrong with it. It is always right to have some planning and preparation though. Had the two fellas been covered by health insurance they would have been safer financially too.
Short term insurance could be used for people that are transitioning from home to college and in between jobs even. When these guys both had injuries stemming from the boating accident it wasn't too horrible. No one ended up being any more disfigured than just having some interesting scars to show off later. Both spent a few days in a hospital bed with their injuries and they even managed to room together so they weren't too lonely for home while laid up.
Of course the kid with insurance still had to pay off his deductible,

which on his insurance was pretty steep. It slowed his finances down a little bit for just a little while. The other guy had a bill that would have stopped anyone in their tracks. A quick cat scan for head injuries and a few visits by specialists add up to much more than one would expect. It is a debt that will follow him wherever he goes until he one day pays it off.