LMT Forex Formula -- Is Dean Saunders A Lazy Market Trader?
The "LMT" in the title of Dean Saunders' latest forex software program stands for "Low Maintenance Trading." But the way he tells it, it could stand for "lazy market trader." Is it really possible to design a software program that will automate your trading information so that all you have to do is pick and choose which trades to make? Find out in this article...

the "LMT" in the title of Dean Saunders' latest forex software strategy stands for "Low Maintenance Trading." But the way you hear him tell it, it could stand for "lazy market trader." After two years of "endless hours at the computer... crunching numbers... researching currency... trying to follow confusing fundamentals," Dean finally figured out a way to work as little as possible and earn as much as possible. He wanted to be able to trade the forex without having to spend all day doing it. Furthermore, he wanted to be able to make his trades in only fifteen minutes a day!
What was his secret? Well, to be perfectly honest...automation. And with complete human control. But automation and human control with a forex trading system? Is that really possible? Yes, it is. Well then, how do you do that, you ask? Let me explain. Dean believes that automated trading robots can be bad for your bottom line. "Trading on their own [robots] leave you with little or no control and no idea how it even works." That can be a recipe for disaster when you're trading in a fast moving arena like the forex.
What if you could get the best of both worlds: automation and human control? What if you could design software to do all the labor intensive, time consuming chart analysis for you? Things like: checking current long term trends, calculating an accurate point of entry, calculating the exact stop and take profit levels, keeping you in the trend as long as possible, and allowing you to trade with less than fifteen minutes a day at your charts. Now, having software like that would really be worth it, wouldn't you think?
Dean's LMT Forex Formula is built on automated trading indicators and full trader control. He spent endless hours testing his formula again and again before he even made a live trade using it. He wanted to make sure that it worked the way he had envisioned it working. And when he finally began making live trades, it "made me more money than I had ever seen! It was now finally a bone fide 'system' you could work for less than 15 minutes a day and catch unheard of winning trades of up to 2000 pips."
With Dean's forex strategy and using conservative investing tactics, you could almost guarantee a profit on every trade if you wanted to. How a person decides to trade is totally up to them. The system even has an intelligent alert system which tells you which trading opportunities are better than others. The real benefit is that all of the analysis is done for you, which not only saves a lot of time analyzing market conditions, but also simplifies the knowledge base you need to have in order to use the program successfully. It cuts your learning curve, in other words.
If there can be said to be a downside to the LMT Forex Formula it is the fact that all the trades have to be initiated manually. You can choose to either view that as a negative; or you can see it as a benefit which allows you more direct control over the positions you choose to take. If you follow Dean's suggestion and do a period of paper trading before taking your trading live, you will gain confidence in the system enough to be able to better predict when a profitable trade is being recommended.
While it may only find two or three trades a week, if a trader can learn to be patient, it will help him locate the best trending trades to make. And once a beginning trader gains more experience with this system and knows more about what he's looking for in terms of what the indicators are telling him, he'll be able to enter trades with the confidence that, according to Dean's statistics, eight times out of ten the trade he makes will turn out to be a winner.