Practical Ways To Manage Your Debt

Jul 14


Richard Research

Richard Research

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It is not hard managing your finances if you follow some sensible advice and stick to it!


There are a number of practical ways to reduce debt and some of these you have probably heard before. Once you have sorted out your debt problems then in future avoid debt traps and keep a tight rein on your finances. Taking some time to analyze your current financial circumstances is a strong beginning and once you know exactly what the position is then you need to share the information with your family. This way no one will have a false impression of how things really are. You probably are facing debt challenges if:

1. You owe more money than you own in assets.

2. You spend more than what you earn every month.

3. More than 50 percent of your total income goes towards servicing your debt.

4. More than 25 percent of your income is spent paying just interest on your debts.

5. More than one of your bills is two or three months in arrears.

6. You have to decide which debt you are going to pay each month.

7. You have been requested to return one of your credit cards or store cards.

8. Your bank account has been closed because of returned debit orders.

9. You fear answering the phone because it is more than likely a debt collector calling.

 Follow these helpful hints

Add up all the expenses and debt on your list and compare the sum to your monthly income. If you and your partner are working together do it together and work out a joint plan of action.

Prioritize — decide what you consider are essentials you really can not do without and what are really extra s that can be cut back on. Assess each debt,Practical Ways To Manage Your Debt Articles total interest payable, its terms of repayment, the length you have to still pay on it and the monthly interest you are paying.

If possible consolidate your debt. Use mortgage equity if you have or go for one big loan. When you do then you will be able to pay off smaller debts in one go. Managing your finances will become a lot easier because this will result in the bank or your mortgage being your only creditor. Close the accounts and tear up credit and store cards as you pay them off so that the temptation to use them is gone.

Arrange to speak to your creditors; those to who you owe money. In the majority of instances they will be more understanding if they see you have a plan and are prepared to make sacrifices. After all they want their money back…

Avoid any investments while you have a high debt as the interest you pay on your debt is likely to be higher than any returns you will receive on an investment.

Consider a part-time job or look for means of earning extra money where possible. This will certainly boost additional cash-flow.  Use cash instead of credit and be price conscious. A few cents here and there makes a huge difference when it all adds up! Do not be afraid to ask for professional assistance if you are having trouble coping on your own.

Getting yourself and your family out of debt is not an insurmountable challenge. The solution begins with discipline and an attitude adjustment. Be more respectful of your future earnings. Debt is spending future earnings after all. Who really wants to live under that forever?

More Debt Advice

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