Buying a new car can be expensive. As much as it's tempting to take a short term view and buy a new car through finance you could be saving many thousands of dollars for each automobile you purchase by using a high interest savings account with a good savings rate to fund the purchase instead of financing the car with debt.
It's always very exciting to buy a new car. Other than a house it's one of the biggest purchases we make and therefore one that you should carefully about. Billboard, direct mail and TV bombard us with messages for cars and how to get finance for them. However, before rushing off and getting a new car by going into debt there is a better way to do things. Going into debt for a car which is only going to lose value could land you in serious financial issues down the line plus the real cost of the car will be much higher than the advertised price once you account for interest.
The smartest way to buy a new car is to avoid the car loan entirely. It might seem impossible to purchase a new car without getting a car loan, but savvy individuals are doing it all the time. When you can purchase a car without a car loan, you aren't subject to fluctuating interest rates or what your credit score might be. Instead, you can get the vehicle you want and avoid the debt that comes with the car loan process.
If you foresee that you will need a new car in the future, the time to start saving is now. If you don't already have one, you can establish a savings account that will help you to put your money in a safe spot. You can look for high interest savings account that will help you earn more money through interest rates.
Initially, you will probably have to put your money in a standard savings account. Once you have a higher balance in your savings account you may become eligable for high interest savings accounts. Look for money market programs that will give you a higher interest rate, but still allow you the flexibility to access your funds at any time.
If you know that you won't be purchasing the new car for a few more months, you can find short-term cds that offer high interest rate savings accounts. If you use the tips provided in this article you should be well on the way to getting behind the wheel of your new car before you know it and without the stress and worries of debt. Another easier way to pay for a new car with cash is to consider used vehicles.
When it comes to used car, there are two main types. The first is a previously-owned car and the other is a former leased vehicle. The good thing about looking at a vehicle that was leased is that the car should only have been driven for a certain number of miles and that the car was maintained on a regular basis. Owned cars do not carry the same guarantee and typically their prices are lower.
No matter which choice you prefer, you can enjoy a high-quality car at a fraction of the cost because you are not purchasing a new model. By getting the car you want at a lower price it reduced the amount you actually need to save in the first place.
Learn how you can purchase a new car without taking on a huge amount of debt. By planning and saving ahead of time, using a high interest savings account, you can avoid getting a car loan and purchasing the car that you can afford.
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