Start Up Business Loans, What to Do to Make Approval More Certain
Getting a business off the ground is no easy task, but a start up business loan makes the challenge a little easier. There are some steps that make the chances of securing approval.
There is no doubt that getting a start up business loan to get your business up and running is one of the most important loans in life. While a home loan might be the largest ever granted,
the significance of financing for a business rests on the fact that the business will pay the salary from which everything else will be paid.Of course, the practical realities of setting up a business is that little progress can be made in the absence of capital and, to secure capital, it is necessary to seek a loan to start up a business. The problem is that, while encouraging enterprises can be a rewarding sector for lenders, many businesses fail in the first year.Understandably then, lenders are quite strict about the application process, much more so than with personal loans. In essence, applications for business loans to start up companies are filled with conditions and contingencies that require a lot of paperwork. There are four crucial aspects lenders consider before approving an application.Financial BackgroundNo lender will consider approving a start up business loan to an applicant that has shown little ability to keep their personal finances in order. For this reason, the criteria for applications include a three year term with a solid financial record. Having a bad credit rating, therefore, can be highly damaging.Of course, there is always a willingness to take into account the reasons why bad credit might have been attained, but for any loan to start up a business to even appear convincing, there must be clear indications of effort being made to improve the rating.A Clear Business PlanAlso, there is a reluctance for lenders to provide business loans to start up companies if the applicant does not have a very clear business plan. So, detailed documentation should be provided on what is needed, what growth is expected, how that growth is to be achieved and contingency plans should things not progress as expected.A start up business loan typically needs to cover the purchase of machinery, office equipment, funds to secure staff salaries for a period of time, and needs to be sufficient to keep heads above water until profits can begin to be enjoyed. Often, this is not achieved until after the first year of operations.Loan AccountabilityPerhaps most obvious is the fact that the purpose of a loan to start up a business needs to be set out. In fact, lenders expect borrowers to have allotted funds to specific areas before the loan is given. This will require some careful thinking and planning on the part of the applicant, as well as discipline to stick by the plan once it is approved.For example, lender of business loans to start up companies will not look kindly on $25,000 that was supposed to be spent on office equipment going on general business expenses instead.Legal PrerequisitesFinally, there is also an obvious need for applicants for a start up business loan to meet the necessary legal regulations. This can refer to having the right business permit paid up and certified, as well as health, fire and safety certification. Also needed is proof of business, personal and property insurance.A loan to start up a business is more than just a lump sum being provided by a lender. The whole purpose of the loan is to establish what will be a livelihood, but one that must survive in a highly competitive situation.There is no escaping the fact that business loans to start up companies are major transactions that require careful planning and undying dedication. Ultimately though, a start up business loan can be hugely rewarding for all involved.