Steps To Prepare For College
Getting set up to attend college is a long term process. There are several important planning steps along the way. In the beginning there will be money tucked away.
Getting set up to attend college is a long term process. There are several important planning steps along the way. In the beginning there will be money tucked away. The classes taken throughout the later years of school should be geared toward getting ready for college. The final thing to do will be getting applications to the colleges that you are interested in.
You can get the funds for college started in a savings account. Or you can check into a plan that is made just for saving for that reason. There are gift trusts that you need usually $500 to open and then you can add to it over the years. There might be a prepaid college plan that you can use too that will give you current prices toward college years later.
Of course it is important to instill good study habits into your child's routine as they grow. This is especially important as they hit the later grades. During high school there are plans of study that are geared toward kids eventually going to school. Some classes even give college credit. This is something that can be discussed with guidance counselors.
Besides applying to the schools that are interesting,

you need to look into other things. How will your baby get fed while at school? What are the dorms like and are they a good idea? You will want to know what they do about health care and insurance for school too.
Your child's health is important and in college they sometimes offer health insurance coverage through the university. Some colleges also require health coverage to be in place before showing up for classes. If you want them to stay on your insurance make sure they can get access to care where they are going. If you have an HMO you will want to check if they can switch to a primary doctor while in school. Otherwise they will have to return home every time they need to see a doctor. That would be very inconvenient depending on how far away the school is from home.