Discover how to begin the process of home buying. Learn to pinpoint what you are really looking for when buying a house and the two most important people in your quest. Above all, remember to have fun!
As you read every word of this article, you will discover how to begin the process of buying a house. You can begin by simply thinking about your particular situation.
"If you want to buy a house there's probably never been a better time," encouraged Donald Trump recently on Good Morning America.
For the single crowd, the needs are different from the married. If you are married and have children, you are going to have different needs than a couple without children. Retirement might suggest a smaller home to be in your near future. On the other hand you may be just beginning your career and you don't have time for fixing up a house or lots of yard work. Every situation is different.
Perhaps you prefer small town living or want more opportunities for outdoor recreation. On the other hand, some people love living in the city to take advantage of cultural and social activities. If you have a hobby like golf or tennis, you may want to incorporate that into your plans. If you have school age children then finding the best school district may be important to you.
You can also think about what type of home would work best for you. A condominium would require less upkeep. Condos are perfect for those who want pools, recreation areas, exercise equipment and built in security.
Probably the all time favorite and great for resale is the detached single house. Consider the floor plan for bedroom and bathroom arrangement along with size and style.
Of course, location is one of the primary issues that most people focus on and will probably be first on your list. You can start to identify areas or neighborhoods that you like as well as research other locations that you may not have given thought to before. With a little effort, you'll find it is easy to pinpoint a couple of neighborhoods you like and can afford.
Next, review your budget to consider how much of a mortgage payment is affordable. Do you have a steady and reliable income? Is your current employment reliable, secure and in demand?
Do you have the habit of paying your bills in a timely manner? Are you aware of lingering credit problems? If you are over indebted you may want to think about selling assets that are dragging you down financially. Is a savings plan for down payment and closing costs an active habit?
Carefully consider the two crucial players in your home buying process, the real estate agent and the mortgage broker.
Start to take notice of real estate agents that seem to work the neighborhoods you prefer. A knowledgeable and experienced agent can save you time and aggravation when searching for a home. Take a day on the weekends for visiting open houses and meeting Realtors. Make conversation and ask for their real estate opinion. Remember relatives and close friends have trusted agents that you can also meet.
Searching for a mortgage lender is similar. Interview real estate agents asking where they went for their last mortgage. Family members and those at work are good resources for referrals. Although you don't have to be best friends with your mortgage loan officer, it still helps if you feel that you can easily talk about your personal finances with them.
Of course when you are ready, be sure to get pre approved for a mortgage. It helps to know before hand what price range you can qualify for and what kind of mortgage payments you can expect.
To help simplify the process of getting started, begin a to-do list today. This short article will be your biggest asset. As you address each point, you will have your own ideas to add to the list.
The process of buying a house should begin with enjoyment. So at the top of your to do list write these words. HAVE FUN!
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