Focus your searches to quickly find the best information.
That's both the good news and the bad news. It's good news because there are probably some web pages out there with just the information you're looking for. It's bad news because the search engines will probably also show you another 10,000 pages that don't have quite the right informartion you want.
Wading through those results pages takes time - time that you don't have to waste if you know how to focus your searches.
Here are three tips that will focus your search queries and therefore focus the results the search engines give you.
1. Type in longer, more specific search queries.
Instead of typing 'stock prices', try typing 'Canadian gold mining stock prices'.
The more words you put into your query, the more information you are giving the search engine, and the better job it can do giving you the right results.
2. Use double-quote marks (that's " and ") to enclose words that you want to match exactly in your search. This is like using lasers to guide missiles - it can take you precisely to the information you want. When you just type words into the search box, the search engines look for those words in any order and will even match documents that don't have all the words. So if you type in 'Wal-Mart stock price' the search engine may find a web page that mentions Wal-Mart in the first paragraph and mentions the stock price of Ford Motor in the 3rd paragraph - hey, the document had all three words in it! But if you instead type "Wal-Mart stock price" (note the double quotes), then the search engine will only find web pages that have exactly those three words, in that exact order and right next to each other.
3. Use specialized search engines that focus on a particular topic area. For instance, for stock market research, offers specialized stock market search engines at these locations: and
You use these custom search engines by going to the page and typing your search into the search box on the page. These engines use Google's new 'Custom Search Engine' technology to combine the best of Google's search prowess with some smart editing from KeepandShare - they selected just the top stock-related websites and web-articles. So when you search with these KeepandShare stock market search engines you are guaranteed that all the results will be highly focused and high quality.
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