Unsecured Personal Loans for Bad Credit Borrowers: Practical, Affordable and Accessible
Getting an unsecured personal loan for bad credit is no fanciful idea. The fact is that lenders are happy to grant approval, so long as the right criteria is met and important boxes ticked.
Lenders are generally expected to reject loan applications when the applicant has only poor bad credit ratings to show in their credit histories. It is all a matter of risk,

and how the chances of a bad credit borrower defaulting on the loan higher. Thankfully, times have changed and unsecured personal loans for bad credit borrowers do exist.Of course, this may be understandable when the size of the loan is small. But even when seeking approval on large loans, and most particularly with no collateral, lenders are willing to take a leap of faith. Convincing the lender that the transaction is genuine, and the repayments will be made, is the secret to the whole thing.Still, getting approval on an unsecured personal loan is never guaranteed. It is always necessary to first satisfy the necessary criteria, and then pass the most detailed examination. If the purpose of the loan reflects admirable qualities in the applicant, then getting the green light is likely.The Problem With UnsecuredApplying for loans is a straightforward process, but assessing applications and whether they should be approved is much more complicated. So, when it comes to large unsecured personal loans for bad credit, the process can take a little time. Secured loans, on the other hand, are much more quickly accepted.The reason is that lenders like to have some item of collateral from which to draw compensation should the borrower default on the loan. So, providing some security can make approval on large loans all but certain. Small loans of $1,000 to $5,000 are often granted without collateral.For larger loans, however, the chief problem is finding collateral valuable enough to be accepted by the lender - a $50,000 loan, for example, needs to have collateral worth $50,000. So, getting approval for large unsecured personal loans with no collateral is sometimes the only option.Forming a Strong ApplicationGetting the application right is a key consideration when applying for an unsecured personal loan for bad credit. Meeting the basic criteria is one thing, but there are other boxes to tick, not least proof that income is large enough. Forming a strong application requires some careful planning.To this end, taking time to improve a credit score is a positive move. Some small personal loans, like payday loans, can help to reduce the overall debt, though their high interest and 30-day repayment terms means they can create more trouble if not budgeted for properly. But approval on large loans is generally helped by showing that existing debt is under control.Adding a cosigner to the loan application is especially beneficial. While not strictly considered security, they guarantee that monthly repayments will be made, even if the borrower cannot make them. With large unsecured personal loans, these are invaluable.Compromises to MakeWhen seeking an unsecured personal loan for bad credit, there is no doubt that compromises will have to be made. Often, making the repayments affordable may only be achieved by extending the lifetime of the loan. So, instead of repaying $500 per month on a $25,000 over 5 years, extending the loan term to 10 years, will reduce the repayment to $230.Also, the size of an unsecured personal loan is often limited by lenders to $25,000, so large sums may be difficult to get. One suggesting is to split the sum, with the extra amount accompanied by collateral. But, once the lender is satisfied the repayments will be made without a hitch, approval on large loans is possible.