What plagues the Health Insurance Sector in the U.S.?
Well, there is a lot of talk as well as sincere efforts being made by the Federal Governments in the U.S. to put the health insurance reforms in place before it gets too late. The critics may say that it is already too late, but the speed and the sincerity of the proposed reforms can surely uplift the health insurance sector in the U.S., consequently, the general level of health care across the country.

there is a lot of talk as well as sincere efforts being made by the Federal Governments in the U.S. to put the health insurance reforms in place before it gets too late. The critics may say that it is already too late, but the speed and the sincerity of the proposed reforms can surely uplift the health insurance sector in the U.S., consequently, the general level of health care across the country.
The facts and figures point out that the problems being faced by the U.S. health insurance sector is perennial and deep-rooted. The situation is grim with only a ray of hope for the health care scenario currently prevalent in the U.S. The sorry state of the facts and figures emanating from the U.S. health care sector in the last decade surely calls upon the legislators and statesman to act swiftly.
Various reports indicate that a vast chunk of Americans go uninsured every year – a problem that equally affects working families as well as the non-working class. A 2004-2007 report by Rhoades JA and Cohen SB on the long-term uninsured in America reveals that 32 per cent of the working-age adults and their families had a gap in their health insurance coverage for at least one month in 2006 and 2007. The financial and health consequences of this gap can not only be devastating for the general public, but may also have far reaching repercussions on the U.S. economy as well. The health insurance premiums for the employer-based policies have shot up twice since 2000, a rate that is thrice the growth in wages during the same period.
Amid the various pieces of legislation and health care reforms on the anvil, one of the most effective steps to improve the health care sector in the U.S. can be the health care and health insurance education at its very best. The consumer awareness and consumer education on a massive scale can surely speed-up the positive changes that the entire nation is striving for.
There has been huge uproar about the healthcare bill passed by Obama’s government. Lots of states have risen against it but at the same time, this issue has brought healthcare reforms to the national level where a lot of brainstorming is going on. It goes without saying that there was never such a focus on healthcare issues.
At the same time, there is another bill that enforces state government’s authority to put a check on the increase in premium that insurance companies are allowed to make. This bill gives the state governments to have control over this hike; and in case state governments fail to act, the federal government can enforce its authority.
Another issue has come to fore. Telemedicine coverage was never on the national bill passed by the government. But individual states have passed the bill that forces the insurance companies to provide complete coverage for all telemedicine costs.
So, overall, a lot of issues are propping up. With a little wait on our side, we will be able to see some reforms implemented for US healthcare system.