What Types Of Student Loan Consolidation Programs Are Out There?
If you are paying a big portion of your income out to student loan servicers, learn how you can save money with student loan consolidation.
Student loan consolidation refers to the process of taking the many accumulated student loans that you are paying on and refinancing them into one larger debt that encompasses all the loans that you have received over the course of your educational career. Many students choose student loan consolidation because they have become overburdened with a mound of student loan debt that threatens to ruin them financially. Fortunately,

student loan consolidation is a way out of debt for many recent graduates and others who are paying on their long term student loans.One Loan, One Lender, One PaymentOne of the most irritating things about student loans is that they are usually written over the course of four to eight years of education by a plethora of different lenders, lending institutions, and student loan servicers. When a student enters the repayment period of their student loan package, which is usually anywhere from six to nine months following graduation, or within the same time period after leaving school or college or going below half time enrollment, they realize that they must send in a number of payments to a number of different places. This can be confusing and costly. With student loan consolidation, one payment is made to one student loan consolidation servicer once each month.Lower Your Interest Rate To Save BigStudents also realize over the course of time that they may have also agreed to a wide range of interest rates on their student loan obligations. Some may be written by private lenders who charge much higher rates of interest than government student loans. When consolidating their student loans, many students are surprised to learn that loan consolidation interest rates are very competitive. This reduction in overall interest paid is one of the biggest reasons that smart borrowers of student loan funds choose consolidation in the first place.Keep More Money In Your PocketStudent loan consolidation can free up the income that the recent graduate or other previous student has at their disposal for purposes required by everyday living. Many folks are happy to find out that their student loan consolidation payment is much, much less than the total of the combined payments that they were struggling to make with their original student loan servicers and loan companies. This leaves the borrower with more money from their paychecks to use for other purposes. The domino effect of student loan consolidation may be that borrowers are not forced to rely on credit cards to pay their everyday expenses, leading to becoming even further burdened by debt into the future.Avoid Default And Bad Credit RatingsLast of all, student loan consolidation is a lifesaving process for those who are threatened with the prospect of defaulting on their student loan obligations. Defaulting on a student loan can have longer term repercussions on the credit file of the borrower, and can cause their overall credit rating to plummet, affecting their future ability to borrow needed money or to purchase a home. Additionally, defaulted student loans can cause the government to offset any refund monies that are due to the borrower from the U.S. Treasury when the borrower files their personal income taxes. Wage garnishment is another possibility for those who are in default. Student loan consolidation can put an end to these worries.