Support is important to resolve any problem and debt problems are no exception. But where can you get this support?
One of the most important parts of resolving a debt problem is to get the right level and type of support. Trying to do it all on your own will make it much harder.
Debt Support - Where to Turn?
One of the most important sources of support is your family or friends. Obviously you can't ask them for support with something if you haven't told them about it! If you are keeping your debt problem a secret from those close to you then you need to seriously consider whether you should tell them about it. Not telling them may end up giving you more stress in the end, as they are almost certainly going to find out in the end.
Other organizations exist in the UK to help with debt problems specifically. All Citizens Advice Bureaus will have access to a specialist Money Adviser that will be able to help. The Consumer Credit Counseling Service offers a phone-based help service. Reputable debt management companies like the Payplan Partnership can also be useful.
If you are really getting desperate about your debt problem and are becoming depressed you could consider calling the Samaritans. They will speak to you on a general level about your problems and will try to help you to put your debt problems in perspective.
It is very important to remember that you are for more important and valuable than your debt problem. If you take the correct action you will be able to emerge from a debt crisis stronger and happier than before.
How to Say Go Debt and Really Mean it!
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