When it comes to buy health plans in Virginia, consumers have different and varied reasons. A consumer may be a first-time buyer; it may be changing the plans; it may be switching jobs; it wants health plans to accommodate more family members; it might be searching for lower premium health plans, etc.
All these reasons could be ascribed to individuals and families and groups in Virginia.
Wide options are available in Virginia for buying health plans through different modes and sources. Right from government sponsored programs,

consumers can buy private health insurance from the authorized and registered insurers.
In this article, we will discuss some reasons for which consumers would like to buy health plans in Virginia. We will also discuss how to make this purchase optimal in every sense.
• Losing job and your group health insurance?
In the wake of recent economic downturn, lots of Virginians lost their jobs. Applying for COBRA could be a very good option for such consumers.
• Losing health insurance because of divorce or widowhood, or because you are no longer a dependent of your parents?
The healthcare reforms have increased the dependent’s age for children to 26 years, and with this, the options have becomes quite wide. At the same time, divorce, legal separation and widowhood also cause people to lose dependent status but COBRA still allows you to continue coverage for up to 36 months.
• Losing job because of trade policy?
In such a situation, the Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act may pay 65 percent of the cost of your health insurance for up to one year, and sometimes longer.
• Are you an early retiree who has lost your health coverage?
The Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act helps people who fall in the category of early retirees.
• Do you have a serious medical condition or a disability?
Consumer with serious medical condition or disability may qualify for Medicare. Even if a consumer is under the age of 65 years and has a disability that is to last at least one year or is expected to cause death, he/she can qualify for Medicare policy.
For low income groups having disability, Medicaid program works well. Consumers having a disability usually qualify for Medicaid because they get Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
• Are you looking for health insurance but unable to get it through your job?
Try finding health plans from registered insurers in Virginia. To get a suitable and affordable health insurance plan, you will need to do your home-work and shop around a bit. While buying health insurance from private insurers, it is advisable to check for their authorization with the Bureau of Insurance of Virginia.