Although they may seem difficult to get rid, there are numerous fly control products available to quickly and effectively deal with flies in the house or outside.
Knowing that flies are usually drawn to unsanitary conditions, it is important to make the first step in your fly elimination efforts cleaning of the affected area or areas. This can be as simple as making sure to take out trash regularly as well as ensuring that there is no food left out to be found by these insects. Once you have made sure that the area is clean, you can decide which fly killer product will be most effective in getting rid of the problem. Here are a few of the more commonly used products and some tips on how to use them.
Fly traps are designed to be both attractive to the flies and to not allow their escape once they land on the surface of the trap. This is accomplished by using a sticky sweet substance that is often attached to paper, this will attract the flies that are generally in search of sugary substances, and will also ensure that they cannot escape once they have landed on the paper. These products are best for smaller infestations, as they can become clogged with flies in the case of larger infestations.
Fly BaitFly baits are designed to draw the insects in and poison them once they have eaten the products contained in the bait. You should be careful to ensure that these are kept out of reach of children and pets as they can have harmful side effects if ingested.
Fly LightsFly lights are fly control tools that rely on the fact that these insects are naturally drawn to light sources. The back portion of the light box contains a glue trap that will not allow the flies to escape once they have landed on the surface. The traps in these lights are replaceable, and they come with the benefit of containing no poisons or harmful chemicals.
Fly RepellentIn the professional pest control world, fly repellent doesn't really exist. We carry products that will help you attract flies to a baited source that will then trap and or kill the flies, but fly repellent is not something that makes sense for professional grade fly control.
Fly Control in your home, restaurant fly control, kitchen fly control, barn fly control and commercial fly control starts with these steps:1.) Determine the source of the infestation, and if possible remove or eliminate breeding sites for flies. Clean dirty kitchens, remove food sources, eliminate garbage, etc.2.) Use a combination of fly lights, fly baits and traps. Often times fly problems require ongoing maintenance to keep areas fly free, especially kitchens and restaurants where food can never be completely eliminated.
For more related and useful information, check out the site below:
fly control auckland, fly control northshore
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