Bathroom Fruitflies

Jun 15


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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Fruit flies can be a common nuisance in many households, especially in the kitchen. These flies infest damp and wet areas and any place with decaying organic matter, like your garbage bins. Soon after invading your kitchen, these flies can spread to the bathroom, as well.


The damp and wet conditions of bathroom can be very suitable for these flies. So,Bathroom Fruitflies Articles keeping your house clean is the best way to keep these insects at a distance. However, cleaning only the inside of your house is not enough, you have to clean the outside or vicinity of your home as well.

The first step to find out and eliminate the sources of their food and their breeding ground. Usually, the place from where the fruit flies derive their food and the place where they breed are same. Such a place can be your garbage bin, that contains moist and decaying organic matter and ripe or rotten foods. The flies simply love such a place for breeding. Other places that can also serve as a breeding ground for fruit flies are, drain and sink and old, unused garbage cans. So, always use sealed bags, and bins or cans with a lid, for dumping your household garbage. Maintain the same cleanliness and sanitation in the vicinity of your house, as well. If they are able to invade the surroundings of your house, they would not take much time to infest the insides of your home, as well. First of all, look around your bathroom sink and drain to see if they have taken shelter there. If they have, then you can use ammonia to drive them away. For getting rid of fruit flies in sink, just put some ammonia and then flush it. In the same way, you can use ammonia to clean your bathtub drains as well. Otherwise, you can use the regular drain cleaners, which are available in commercial stores. Drain cleaners would be equally effective for killing fruit flies in drains of bathroom and other parts of the household. Along with cleaning the bathroom, also inspect the cabinets, to see if they have any hole or leak to allow the entry of fruit flies. If they have, then seal them immediately. Another effective way is fly trap which can easily eliminate fruit flies from your home, without requiring to use any strong chemicals and pesticides, which are generally employed for pest control. Most of these fly traps use pheromones and ultraviolet bulbs to capture the flies, and they can be very useful in tackling the problem of fly infestation. If you do not want to go for the commercial fly traps, you can make an inexpensive homemade trap by using some readily available household products like, cider vinegar or ordinary vinegar, dish washing liquid and a bottle or container. Just pour the cider vinegar or ordinary vinegar and a few drops of dish washing liquid into the bottle or container. Now cover the bottle with a piece of aluminum foil. Then make a few holes in the aluminum foil to enable the fruit flies to enter the bottle. The smell of vinegar would attract them, while the holes made on the aluminum foil would make their entry possible. The dishwashing liquid, on the other hand, will break down the surface tension of the liquid and thereby help to trap those flies which attempt to enter the bottle. Remember that there is no alternative to cleanliness, in order to keep fruit flies away from your house. So, keep every part of your house clean, right from your kitchen to bathroom, sink, basin, drains, and garbage bins, and dispose any decaying food materials, including rotten fruits and vegetables immediately. Never keep ripe fruits in open; keep them in the refrigerator or eat them as soon as possible. These simple steps would help to keep your house free of not only fruit flies, but other pests and insects as well.

For more relevant topic and information, check out the links below:

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