Despite their portrayal as hard-working, intelligent insects, bees can be quite hazardous to the people and animals around them. As they are often equipped with stingers and even venom, most homeowners do their best not to attract bees to their property
Bee removal is not something homeowners should take lightly. In some cases, it may require the help of a professional. To better understand bees and the best ways to get rid of them, read these facts:
In any case, bee removal should be handled by a professional when possible. Some varieties of bees are particularly aggressive, like the Africanized honey bee, and need to be handled by professionals who know how to protect themselves against stinging.
While most bees do not attack unless provoked, they should not remain around homes. Pets and children can become vulnerable to bee attacks if playing outdoors for long time period of time. Bees are still pests, which means any pest control plan should have the goal of getting rid of them permanently from your property. Find more information on how to get rid of bees from a local pest exterminator company.
Bees are affected by the type of clothing people wear. for some reason, rough and dark clothing of wool or leather irritats them, which is why professional bee keepers wear light colored, smooth textured clothes when tending their hives. Some perfumes also aggravate bees, which will attack a moving target faster than they will an immobile one. Running or swatting at them only increases the chances of a sting.
So when a bee draws near, try to relax. It will probably lose interest in you once it finds out you are not a gladiola -- or an enemy.
More information on the link below:
pest controller, pest control auckland, insect control
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